Forum Discussion

hvanhise's avatar
9 years ago

Is cancellation fee waived when moving out of service area?

I will be moving to a new home with much faster internet where Hughes net does not service. Is cancellation fee waived when moving out of service area before contract is up? All other internet companies I have had before waive the fee when moving to a non service area.
  • Don't mind me... Just come to say I was very, very wrong. I see in the instructions on our Knowledge Base there is the LAN cable there... I am supposing what is going on is we are asking for it back but we don't care if you do or not, we don't charge you for it. 
  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor
    I would hate to think HughesNet would send used cables out to new customers anyway. Those things, even the molded ones, can be so touchy if bent a lot and who knows what abuse they've suffered.
  • Amanda: "supposing" swims around in the same pool as "assuming." Perhaps you could find a supply of the word "optional" and give it to the instruction writers to insert into the appropriate places to reduce the panic level of those returning stuff you HN.
  • Hi Knerkin, when I say supposing I mean me personally think this is what is going on. We're getting more clarification from the Sr. Director of product services. He confirmed we do not charge for the LAN cable, in fact this is the first time I've ever seen it brought up, even then it was brought up by one our (awesome) dealer. If we're keeping it in the instructions we need to make changes to tell customers it is optional either on paper or time of cancellation. That is being worked out as I type this. I see from old manuals we've asked for the cable back since the HN7000 but I don't think we've ever had a panic situation about the cable.

    In any case, that doesn't mean there is not someone out there worried about it. I've taken the egg to the face and I'm getting it worked out. 

  • Just an update.. we're working on getting the wording changed to say "optional" on the LAN cable. Re: Alan's mention about "And now, they also want the LAN cable returned." -  we have always listed the LAN cable on the return kit since the HN7000S - it just so happens it was recently mentioned. You can see copies here:

    It is nothing new, but we don't penalize people for not returning it. 
  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    Associate Professor
    So, kinda like I thought, it has been mentioned forever on the instructions, but not an absolute requirement.  That's really good to hear.  Thanks for the info Amanda!
  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor
    Yea, my only real concern was some bean counter might use it to charge the un-returned equipment fee. Thanks Amanda for clearing things up!
  • You know what they say... don't count your beans before they...bake?
  • I would not want to have service for hughesnet at my new location as one of the main reasons I am moving is because the internet is so horrible and I have zero cell signal where I am now. I would not be continuing the service.