Forum Discussion
Trying to upgrade since of October of 2016 but cursed by the error message!
Since October of 2016, pre Gen5, my husband and I have been calling so much I have lost count. First I just wanted to go up to 10gb....error message, Im told the technical team would look into it and call me when it is fixed. November, December same thing. We still have not recieved a phone call and the same vicious cycle began when (oh happy day) we can upgrade to Gen 5 and everything will be fabulous. I have been given 2 appointments and rearranged my schedule to be available for a now show both times. And guess what? I call to be told there was an error message so the work order didn't go through and they can't figure out why so the technical team blah balh...and they will call me when it is fixed.
Why? I don't know what else to do, I live in the boondocks, Im a merchaniser...I need this resolved fixed and history. I am so over it...going on 8 months now.
- jlantzJunior
Nice to see just like I was told by a phone agent, that this HAS been going on for a few months..
I bet you are like me... stuck in a higher priced, lesser product, and no way to upgrade to a lower price for a better product..
The REAL funny thing about all of this.... This is a COMMUNICATIONS company, and they are the WORST I've ever seen at communication, or reslving customer problems. I'm guessing especially since it's in their best financial interest to NOT fix the problems....
Give it a little time, they will delete this post too to cover up their ineptness...
- LizModerator
Good morning creativeSpurts,
Welcome to the community and thank you for posting. We definitely want to get to the bottom of this and get you upgraded to Gen 5. I pulled up your account to investigate further and I see in the notes which error you're getting. Your case has been escalated so I will check with our folks here at corporate on the status of this for you.
Your patience and understanding are much appreciated.
- creativeSpurtsNew Poster
Thank you Liz,
I do appreciate your efforts, however; your resolution is exactly what I have been hearing since the Fall of 2016. It would seem to me that the logical solution to resolving this "error message" issue would be to close my account and start over. I stayed up until 2am this past Monday morning to upload some pictures but still used up all my tokens and no bonus bytes were used. I then tryed to purchase tokens but got an error message, I tryed again, same error message. The screen got stuck so I had to restart my computer and when I checked the status meter, both purchase of tokens had gone through giving me 10 gbs. My computer auto updated this morning and now I have only 1.8 gbs left. Really?!?? 8.2 gbs to update windows? Obviously my account and system is messed up and has been for a long time. I can't take another 8 months of escalated customer service to fix an error message. I have been a good customer and have always paid my bill in a timely manner. No I will not accept "I pulled up your account to investigate further and I see in the notes which error you're getting. Your case has been escalated..." as a solution.
creativeSpurts Maybe you should look into making some changes in the settings of your computer. First off if you have Windows 10, you should set your connection to Metered. This way you will not get un expected update downloads. If you do not have Wireless you might not be able to set a Metered Connection. Unless you system downloaded the newest version of Windows 10 (Creators Update 1703 -- with saying 8 GB of data was used I would imagine you got this update). I believe I seen a Metered Connection switch for Ethernet with 1703, I was unable to test this being my system was not working correctly with the Creator Update version.
To set Metered Connection ... go to Settings in Windows 10 - Click Network & Internet - Click WiFi on left side - then click your Connection Name and set as Metered -- If you are not on WiFi Click Ethernet and it may be a Metered Connection option there. You will have to change the setting back to Unmetered when you want to download Windows Updates. OR you can go to Update & Security and click Download when you know you have extra data, or during the Bonus / Free Zone.
Also I advise you to make sure Windows App Updates are not set to automatically download in Windows 10. Go to Windows Store (Click the Shopping Bag in taskbar OR search Store) at the top of Store Click the icon that looks like a person (Next to the search box) Go to Settings. You will have to manually download App Updates by going to Store - Click the person icon - Click Downloads and Updates.
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