Forum Discussion

maratsade's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
3 months ago

Issues with the new community site

Here are some issues with the new community site:

Very frequent Error 401 -- sometimes it's impossible to log on at all.  Clearing cache, history, and cookies, flushing the DNS,  using different browsers, using incognito browsing, and other strategies don't fix the issue. 

Where did our images go? It used to be that graphics we had used were stored in our account and could be reused. 

Too many uploaded images error message --  GabeU reported this one. 

The missing ribbon at the top -- hopefully this will return in a couple of months. 

The cookies popup --  this is very annoying as it pops up on every page, every time.  

System logs out too quickly.  Annoying having to login again and again. Could this be extended? 


  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    All my macros are gone.  Macros were very useful, given that many of the questions asked by users are repetitive. 

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    The "related content" section is often completely unrelated.