Forum Discussion

karking's avatar
2 months ago


Ok so I received a promo text or email saying they had a special on tokens- it was either by 1 get 2 or vice verse. Can’t find it anywhere now though. Did anyone else receive this by chance? Called customer service and he didn’t know anything about the promo however got back to me and said that I had to get on the myHughesnet online, not through my app to purchase them. Well tried that and got nowhere with it. It also said it expires on the 31st which is tomorrow so I really wanted to stock up seeings how u need them to actually get solid signal!! Ugh any feedback would be great! Thanks all. 

  • I receive the same email and was told I order tokens the day before I could not get the promo but if I ordered more tokens I could use the promo but it would take 3-5 business days for me to receive the free tokens now my question is I can order token and get it right away why does it take 3-5 days before receiving the free tokens …. Hughsnet is a big scam