Forum Discussion
Terrible Internet!!!
- fredhead1952New Poster
13 months of such crappy internet I use my neighbors ATT(which is lightining fast)
I cant get anyone to help get rid of it
Pay early termination fee and they will
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
You have three options...
1. Ask for help (if there is an issue).
2. Cancel and pay the ETF, which at 13 months would be about $250.
3. Continue paying a monthly fee for something you apparently don't use.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
I'll never understand why people can't express their frustration or anger on a public site without having to resort to gutter language.
And I'm sure the "stupid plans" are sorry for not being as intelligent as one might expect of them.
It's unfortunate that you didn't research what you were signing up for before doing so. You might then understand why comparing satellite internet to ground based services isn't very logical. Doing so is like complaining that a Smart Fourtwo doesn't have the same terrain capabilities as a Jeep Wrangler. As well, that research would have explained why the service may not be the right fit for you. It isn't for everyone, though some people have no choice, which is why the ad you referenced in your other thread starts out with, "Think you can't get high speed internet where you live? Well, think again."
- MarkJFineProfessor
Please stop spamming the forums with off-topic rants. If you want help with a technical problem, please describe the problem in a concise post in the Tech Support area.
Also, this is a family-accessible message area, so please control your **bleep**ing.
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