Forum Discussion

haroldo_psf's avatar
8 years ago

Gen5 Awful Performance - Just can't browse the net.

I am appalled at the service I have with Hughesnet and the Gen5 equipment. I simply cannot browse sites like,, and many others. 

I am now stuck after having bought the equipment and signed up for a 2 year contract. I am will see about the legal ways to return everything and get out of the contract.

I have been on the phone with tech support 2 or 3 times, each time over an hour. 

Yes, I rebooted the modem. Yes I disabled web acceleration.

I have seen other threads here which show other Gen5 users also are having the exact same issues, like:



What is this!? I am  so angry after having invested over $400 including equipment and I simply cannot use the service for the most mundane things. 

I can check gmail and make wifi phone calls, and that's pretty much it. 

Is there any thing else I can try before going through legal ways of ditching this service and getting my money back due to Hughesnet not proviging their end of the contract?

My neighbors keep asking what do I think of the new service, and each time I tell them they just cannot belive it. I should have listened and gone with excede. Shame on me.

  • Hi Liz

    Thanks for the link. This past weekend out of desperation I tried some reset procedure posted on a previous thread (reset button for 3s then WPS for another 30). Not sure if that is correct, but after doing this, and then a power cycle (had to do that because all lights went dead after the reset), it just magically started to work, so I don't want to touch it.

    I am now able to browse normally, my smart TV has full network connectivity (amazon videos, netflix, etc), my Synology server is fully accessible from outside, my wife can do work on square, and life is beautiful. 

    If things go south again I'll diasable the UPnP as the link suggests.

    I wonder though, if this is a known issue as the link states, wouldn't hughesnet want to have this feature diabled by default? that would save everyone a lot of headache. 

    Anyway, thanks for your help, I'm marking this as solved 


  • Heraldo, 

          Thanks for this post. I have been trying to make the decision to move from Gen 4 to Gen 5 specifically because the Gen 4 has not got the Web acceleration and throughput that my Excede account has for HD video Streaming. You have, I believe settled this for me. Thanks

    • haroldo_psf's avatar

      With Web Acceleration enabled, then I can't do anything. If I disable web acceleration I can at least make phone calls and stream Pandora. If web acceleration is enabled, then nothing works, really nothing.

      No matter what I do (with or without web acceleration) I cannot go to or (the site my wife uses to run her business), and many many others. In fact, it's probably easier for me to list the sites that I CAN access, because it's only a hand full. 

      The situation is pretty serious now, and I am locked in this contract. I'm glad I'm saving others from falling in the same trap.

      • cableguy69's avatar

        Well, I asked the question, "What if Gen 5 doesn't perform any better, am I still locked into my commitment?" which was responded with a resounding yes. That alone made me somewhat suspect. Sorry you are having trouble. 


    • Gwalk900's avatar
      Honorary Alumnus


      In both Gen4 and Gen5 you are behind  a CGN web acceleration server. W/A can be toggled on/off in both service levels.

      As for 'HD video streaming', you have to ask yourself if doing so is a wise choice due to the data limits mandated by having a satellite connection. Steaming video is a very data intensive activity not well suited to a metered connection type.



  • Hello Haroldo,


    Thank you for your patience while our engineers work to address your concerns. Please try the steps here and let me know if they help.


    Looking forward to hearing back.


    • haroldo_psf's avatar

      Hi Liz

      Thanks for the link. This past weekend out of desperation I tried some reset procedure posted on a previous thread (reset button for 3s then WPS for another 30). Not sure if that is correct, but after doing this, and then a power cycle (had to do that because all lights went dead after the reset), it just magically started to work, so I don't want to touch it.

      I am now able to browse normally, my smart TV has full network connectivity (amazon videos, netflix, etc), my Synology server is fully accessible from outside, my wife can do work on square, and life is beautiful. 

      If things go south again I'll diasable the UPnP as the link suggests.

      I wonder though, if this is a known issue as the link states, wouldn't hughesnet want to have this feature diabled by default? that would save everyone a lot of headache. 

      Anyway, thanks for your help, I'm marking this as solved 


      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        "This past weekend out of desperation I tried some reset procedure posted on a previous thread (reset button for 3s then WPS for another 30). Not sure if that is correct, but after doing this, and then a power cycle (had to do that because all lights went dead after the reset), it just magically started to work, so I don't want to touch it."


        Good to know that this approach worked!