Forum Discussion

maratsade's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
6 days ago

Issues with community redesign

I posted this under Your Thoughts on the Community, but I thought I'd post here too, because  the only sections that appear on the latest posts list are Tech Support and Account and Billing. 

[1] Community guidelines are missing

There's topic with that title under "About the community," but the guidelines are gone. 

[2] Latest Posts List

The Latest Posts list only shows posts from Tech Support and myAccount and Billing.  A recent post under Your Thoughts on the Community isn't visible on the Latest Posts list. 

Would it be possible to add all the sections to the list? 

[3] Reporting OPs

It seems we can only report replies. Why can't we report original posts? 

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV
    1. While in the About the Community section, there's a Tags section on the right side of the page. In that section is the Community Guidelines tag. If you click on it, it will open that topic, though you have to click on the topic to read it all. Having said this, IMHO, the Community Guidelines should be pinned at the top of the section.
    2. Good catch! Didn't notice that.
    3. There's a gearwheel on the upper right of the page, below your avatar. Clicking on that allows you to report the opening post. 
    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      Workaround for issue #2 (latest posts):  I'm now following each of the boards.  I hope it works. 😊

    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      Interestingly, I can't click the "like" button under your post.  Consider it liked.😊

    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      Replying to your point at #3: I did a test, and I  hope a mod will confirm if I reported the right post. 😊