Forum Discussion

lifstrand's avatar
8 years ago

Why does my laptop always open to 5GHz when I have 2GHz selected?

Because of the EXTREME consumption of bandwidth that happens no matter what I do to minimize it, I've set my Gen5 WiFi settings to 2.4GHz (see image below), since 5GHz would be even more consumptive.  However, almost every single time I start up my laptop in the a.m. the WiFi connects at 5GHz anyway.  What can I do to prevent this?  I need to conserve every tiny byte I can!  

The laptop OS is Win7.  I turn off the power to the modem nightly (I'm on solar power and must conserve that way as well).  

  • Hi lifstrand,


    Generally, depending on the model of your laptop/wireless card, you can change the "wireless mode" on the wireless card. This is usually achieved by changing the wireless mode 802.11 a/b/g to 802.11 b/g. 

     [edit: I forgot to say you have to make this change by accessing the Network Adapter's properties in Device Manager or Control Panel]

    Another alternative would be to create 2 different SSID's for each band with 2 different passwords. This would prevent a device that does not have a certain bands password from auto-connecting.


    Hope I could help!



  • lifstrand


    I'm not sure why you would assume that the 5Ghz band uses any more data than the 2.4Ghz band.  The only way it may is if you are doing something that constantly uses data, and the possible slower speed of the 2.4Ghz WiFi might cause it to use less data.  If it's not that, and you are just browsing and downloading files and such, the only difference with the 2.4Ghz band might be that it takes longer to do those things, but it's not going to use any less data.  A 50MB file is going to use 50MB of your data no matter which WiFi band you use.  


    With that said, you can disable the 5Ghz band in the same settings of your picture.  Click on the 5Ghz tab and uncheck SSID enable and SSID broadcast, then click Save Settings.  Then do the same with the 5Ghz Guest radio, too.  You can also disable it in the Advanced Setup under the Wireless section.  Uncheck the box for the 5Ghz Frequency Band.  The second method may be easier and actually shut the 5Ghz radio off, though I don't know for sure.  It's what I do instead of the first method.  I have my 5Ghz WiFi disabled because I don't have anything that can utilize it.   


    Edit:  Was writing this when Amanda posted.  

  • I believe your computer will only connect to one or the other if you have previously entered the password for each band separately.   So another way to stop your computer from connecting to the 5Ghz band is go into your WiFi settings on the computer (I forget where it is on Windows 7)  find where your previous connected networks are and Forget the 5Ghz network, only enter the password on the 2.4 GHz network. 

  • Thanks to you all for your replies.  I accidentally discovered another solution before I read yours.  Here's a photo of what I did -- I discovered that for whatever reason, the hug5 was at the top of the list (I didn't put it there, and have no idea if it's always been like that or some update or something changed it).   So far, this solution is working.  Thanks again.

  • I believe your computer will only connect to one or the other if you have previously entered the password for each band separately.   So another way to stop your computer from connecting to the 5Ghz band is go into your WiFi settings on the computer (I forget where it is on Windows 7)  find where your previous connected networks are and Forget the 5Ghz network, only enter the password on the 2.4 GHz network. 

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    I'm not sure why you would assume that the 5Ghz band uses any more data than the 2.4Ghz band.  The only way it may is if you are doing something that constantly uses data, and the possible slower speed of the 2.4Ghz WiFi might cause it to use less data.  If it's not that, and you are just browsing and downloading files and such, the only difference with the 2.4Ghz band might be that it takes longer to do those things, but it's not going to use any less data.  A 50MB file is going to use 50MB of your data no matter which WiFi band you use.  


    With that said, you can disable the 5Ghz band in the same settings of your picture.  Click on the 5Ghz tab and uncheck SSID enable and SSID broadcast, then click Save Settings.  Then do the same with the 5Ghz Guest radio, too.  You can also disable it in the Advanced Setup under the Wireless section.  Uncheck the box for the 5Ghz Frequency Band.  The second method may be easier and actually shut the 5Ghz radio off, though I don't know for sure.  It's what I do instead of the first method.  I have my 5Ghz WiFi disabled because I don't have anything that can utilize it.   


    Edit:  Was writing this when Amanda posted.  

    • lifstrand's avatar

      The installer who set me up originally told me that hug5 would "cost" me more bandwidth, by the way.  It had something to do with viewing videos in higher quality.  As part of what I do in life involves finding and linking to certain music videos, and since I don't view the entire videos (just enough to be sure it's the correct music), I don't need the higher quality. 

      Of course, no matter what I do, including upping my plan to increase my available data to 30GB/month, disconnecting all devices except my laptop from WiFi after 8 a.m., and doing my downloads before 8 a.m., I'm still always bumping up against my monthly limit.  It would be sooo nice to join the 21st century internet-wise, but that's another topic.

      • donsjgm's avatar

        Hi lifstrand,

        The data used with both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands (radio frequency) is the same.

        While the lower frequency (2.4GHz) is slower it does have a greater range conversely the higher (5GHz) frequency while faster has a shorter range.

        When your device asks for data the speed is inconsequential to the amount used.

        That being said, there is an exception. If you are stressing the range of either band (in this case we're talking the 5GHz) and therefor you have a weak signal your device may miss some of the data being sent and have to ask for it again. Data is sent in "packets" and this is what is known as "packet loss".

        Other than this exception, the only difference is the radio frequency used to transmit data to and from your device.


        Don  :)


  • Hi lifstrand,


    Generally, depending on the model of your laptop/wireless card, you can change the "wireless mode" on the wireless card. This is usually achieved by changing the wireless mode 802.11 a/b/g to 802.11 b/g. 

     [edit: I forgot to say you have to make this change by accessing the Network Adapter's properties in Device Manager or Control Panel]

    Another alternative would be to create 2 different SSID's for each band with 2 different passwords. This would prevent a device that does not have a certain bands password from auto-connecting.


    Hope I could help!

