@BirdDog wrote: Some discussion about Amish living here in other threads. Trust me, no fun if you ask me. Yes, nostalgia is great but the real thing is different. We lived off-grid for 12+ years and truth is, it sucked! Compost toilets are the pits. I respect them totally but no way I'd want to live my entire life that way. There is a reason we went to electricity and indoor plumbing. Nice to have 21st century things like a toilet that flushes, running water and electricity. Like anything, there is more to Amish, so there are old order that are like what you explain, new order, and many various sects of it. Some own and use cars, have modern plumbing, etc.... Then there are other anabaptist groups that are similar to the amish but different, and again, many sects with different levels of modernity. Various Brethren and German Baptist groups all fall in similar groups. For me, I would love to give up some of the modern things that consume my life, but at the same time it is how I earn a living, so makes it hard to do so. But I can still dream. TJ
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