@wildcats198308 wrote: Glasswire does not seam to be showing the correct usage for my computer. I have it set to show External Only (this is correct right?) I checked Internal and that shows only 30 MB. Anyone else seeing low usage on Glasswire? Any suggestions to how to get it working? (I did check the website and downloaded the updated version) "day" can be such a slippery term. A Glasswire "day" is from 12:00:00 AM to 11:59:59 PM unless the period in question has been changed by moving the sliders at the bottom. A Hughesnet "day" is a funny duck also. It can be thought of as 12 am to 12 am ... OR can be thought of as running from 8 am to 2am (of the next day) and 2am to 8am just to keep the usage bucket allocations straight. Routers can count a GB as being either 1000 MB = 1 GB or 1024 MB = 1 GB Routers can tally their "hour" as either starting the hourly period or ending the period. My Asus 3100 usage appears to be an hour off from the Hughes usage meters due to this. My Glasswire output many times will be larger than that shown by the Hughes meter due to "compression" savings but is close to that shown by my router. Another area is that of accounting for all connected devices including some easy to overlook items such as printers with network access. Yet another is data used by and router based cloud and/or protective services. My Asus offers these and they can really burn data, data that is registered by Hughes, is not typically lsted in the routers "total" and certainly would not have been picked up by any Glasswire installations. One more area is data that is run through again due to the need for re-transmission of data for whatever reason. As to Glasswire settings, I have mine set to "incoming and outgoing" and "external". As as rule, other than the one hour offset, the amount of data registered by GlassWire is very close to that claimed as usage for that device by my router. Those numbers can and do vary from the amount Hughes claims I used for the reasons stated above.
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