Ham Radio
1 TopicAny Amateur Radio Operators (AKA "Hams") Here on The HughesNet Community Forums?
I was a Ham when I was 12. Had a Technician Class license, WA6ZHL. Fell out of it when I got into high school. Wish I had stayed in. Now, I'm studying to take the tests to get my license renewed. But this time I'm going all the way for the top Extra Class, something I could only dream about when I was a kid. Great site I found, http://www.hamstudy.org. I've gone through the Technician and General Class questions and was happy about what I still remembered after all these years. Now working on the Extra Class questions. Once I get to about 85% pass on those, I'll go in to take all three exams at once. Have to say I'm glad they eliminated morse code as a license or even an exam requirement (when did that happen?). I hated learning code, and could barely get to 5 WPM to pass the Novice and Technician Class exams. 13 WPM for General and 20 WPM for Advanced were simply way too far out of my reach at that time. I'm sure some old-timers would say the standards have all gone downhill from the "good old days," but I'm glad I won't have to learn and pass an exam on a technology I'll never use. Anyway, would like to hear from any fellow Hams on this forum? Let's QSO :)Solved40KViews1like39Comments