104 TopicsPlans are a joke - I have never experienced such a worthless product in my life
After the first month of service which seemed great because of the unlimited faster data (which I was completely unaware was happening), our family went through out 20 GB's in two days. I called Hughesnet and no one could tell me how we went through the data so fast and after an hour and 40 minutes on the phone I asked to speak to a supervisor. I was promised a call back from a supervisor and never received one. Now we started a new month and once again we are out of data in two days...and we did virtually nothing involving using data. This is the most ridiculous and deceiving offer I have ever seen, and the service is even worse! WE will be calling and cancelling. If you are considering this service - never do it.17KViews7likes25CommentsWhy Can't Hughes Offer a Real Unlimited Plan at Lower Speeds?
It sort of seems like the current plans are simply designed to get users to run out of data, pushing them to theoretically purchase tokens, and/or reduce network stress. Even the highest data caps are laughable at this point. I reduced my plan to the lowest cap simply becuase I run out in less than a week, so what's the point? As far as I'm concerned Hughes offers a 1 down, 1 up service with a short turbo period. I'm also assuming there is some kind of incentive to say that you offer the (Eff See See's....the acronym is not allowed in this board lol) current definition of broadband at 25/3. More realistically, a 5/1, 3/1, 3/3 (etc...) combination would keep data usage down and allow them to either vastly increase or eliminate the cap altogether! We would all be streaming very decent SD quality to our hearts content, or just downloading software updates in a reasonable amount of time. I ran out of data after TWO DAYS this period. I don't even try to stream so it's just my day to day usage. 35gb goes fast when you are a photographer and need to send files to clients. I normally accept my usual 1-2mbps down speed, but the past week I've been seeing Speedtest readings at .43 down, and .6 up. It's really bad!11KViews5likes9CommentsReflections of my recent upgrade to Gen5 from Gen4
A couple of weeks ago I called to upgrade from Gen. 4 to Gen 5. To my surprise, it didnt even require an installer to come out, Hughes shipped the new modem and everything was to be plug and play. Could even stay on same plan as I already had, just at a lot faster throughput. I was originally on a legacy plan, and when upgrading to Gen 4, it was a nightmare. An installer had to come out, install a new radio and modem. Somewhere alog the way I was issued a new DSS#, but email accounts were still attached to the old legacy plan. All of a sudden I couldnt access email, and hughes solution was I would have to use a different name for email account, there was no way to move the old email account to the new plan. I called over and over again after about three weeks I finally got them to reactivate the email account, but it was a real hassle. The whole Gen 4 upgrade was. So, after that ordeal, I decided to just stick with Gen 4, it was going to have to be fast enough (usually 1-2.5 Mbps download speeds). Well I called HN a few weeks ago to see what we'd have to do to upgrade, and made sure they wouldnt screw up my email accounts or issue another DSS#. The representative assured me I would keep the same account number, all emails would work just like they always have, etc. if I upgraded. Also, it didnt require an installer to come out for the Gen4 to Gen5 upgrade. HN would ship me a new modem and it would be plug and play. The old Gen 4 modem didnt even need to be shipped back, just throw it away. ALmost sounded too good to be true. I like doing things on my own and usually can do a more professional job than the so called pros anyway. The package arrived the next week, and it took about an hour to be up and running on gen 5. I turned off the built in wifi as I already have a wifi router in living room ran off of cat5e from the modem.(The modem is installed in our bedroom and I'm not crazy about being bombarded with wifi signals while I sleep, ok?) Anyhow, at peak time, on wifi, we have anywhere from 15-30 Mbps. Early morning speeds usually >25 Mbps. Upload speed around 3 Mbps. I have not tested speeds directly connected to modem via ethernet, but wifi speeds are fast enough to stream with no buffering. I posted this to let others know how easy it was to upgrade from Gen4 to Gen5, same cost, only caveat is a new 2 year contract. I don't plan on going anywhere unless we ever get real 4G/5GLTE speed and coverage at home.11KViews4likes2CommentsPoor internet quality
This is the absolute worst internet service I have ever had. Data speeds are slow whether I have data left or not. Any ideas on canceling service ? I have already looked into other providers in my area. Tired of paying so much for internet that never works.7.6KViews4likes2CommentsInternet speed
What, if anything is being done to increase the down throttle speed to a more reasonable level that does not render my internet essentially useless only a few days into each month. I cannot afford to keep paying exuberant prices for service that is too slow for the bulk of a pay period. Honestly 1 - 3 mbps (ALWAYS 1) is not acceptable in the digital age of 2019 where even basic web surfing consumed data due to increased graphics and streaming, let alone day to day activities. Most people could get by with 5- 10 mbps and would never notice a slow down, but the constand buffering, slow downloads and dropping of service will make me not continue service when my contract is up. In the day where internet is a needed service for most anyone, a reasonable speed is not that much to ask for without having to sell an organ to pay for it.8.3KViews4likes4CommentsCan I see where the data is being used?
We had to buy a few tokens last month so I decided to just go for it and get the 50 gb plan so that I wouldn’t have to keep worrying about it. But now that we’re on the new plan we’re somehow already through half of our data five days into the month. How in the world is that even possible. I’ve been trying to hard to give HughesNet the benefit of the doubt because I realize every company has hiccups, but it’s been nothing but problem after problem for four months now. Is there a way to get everyone who has issues (which seems like every single customer), into some sort of group filing to get out of our contracts? (The website wouldn’t let me use legal terms if I wanted to post). It’s painful how awful the internet is through them. <br>I do have to say all of the company representatives I have worked with have been kind and professional.9.3KViews3likes11Commentsexceeded cap, throttled to oblivion.
My niece is doing remote schooling it went over our cap and were throttled so hard that NOTHNG would load at all. It all kept timing out. Had to buy a token just so we can get back online and that she can do her schoolwork. This is not right, that I need to keep buying tokens because we got throttled down to nothing.12KViews3likes1CommentTERRIBLE upgrade experience
I just want you corporate mods and everyone else to be aware of the complete NONSENSE we have been through. I don't appreciate it. We have half a mind to go elsewhere if one more thing goes wrong. I'm not demanding something be done for us specifically; I'm simply sharing this experience in hopes maybe it won't happen to someone else. On November 28th, we had a state code that said there was an outdoor problem. We spent a good length of time on the phone with tech support. This woman came back telling us we NEEDED to upgrade. We said alright, arranged the plan, and we asked her what this would entail. We ASKED if a technician needed to be scheduled. She said NO, we could do it, they would mail us a modem. We would receive it in 3-4 business days. On business day 6, we called to ask where the modem was. On December 7th, we received the modem, and still unaware of what REALLY needed to be done, we went about installing it. After an hour and 40 minutes, we had to call tech support. They continually redirected us to the remaining outdoor problem, even as we explained we weren't sure if we were doing this right. On December 9th, a technician visited to take care of the outdoor problem. We asked him about upgrading. The licensed technician, sent by Hughesnet, told us we could not install it ourselves because going from Gen 4 to Gen 5 requires a dish realignment among other things that a technician needs to do. He could not do this because he did not have an upgrade work order. He only had repair for the outdoor problem. WE WERE TOLD BY HUGHESNET TECH SUPPORT THAT WE COULD DO THIS OURSELVES. WE ASKED IF WE NEEDED A TECHNICIAN APPOINTMENT TO DO AN UPGRADE. WE WERE TOLD NO, YOU DO NOT. On December 9th after his visit, we called tech support to explain and arrange an appointment. They said they would Nothing came of it. We called again Sunday night, December 10th. They said there wasn't a record of an appointment. After being on hold for 45 minutes, the phone call got dropped. We decided to wait and see. This morning, December 11th, we called again. This time we managed to acquire the phone number of the technician company in our area. Upon calling them, we learned that they kept receiving REPAIR orders. Not upgrade orders. In every call since Saturday, we had been extremely clear that nothing needed repaired, we needed our UPGRADE. Our account information had been credited as Gen 5 since the morning of the 29th, the morning after our very first tech support call. It shows that we have it, which is a source of confusion to the tech support phone monitors. We are PAYING FOR IT, but WE DO NOT HAVE IT. We are running our GEN 4 EQUIPMENT. The woman at the technician company got in touch with the District Manager of Hughesnet for our area of coverage, who has tried to intervene on our behalf! TECH SUPPORT SAID NO, THE CUSTOMER HAS TO ORDER IT. AS IF WE HAVEN'T BEEN TRYING!?!? We called tonight, and we went through the same cycle of "ma'am, can you please plug the modem back in" and "our diagnostics show you have internet." I honestly lost count of how many times we said WE NEED AN UPGRADE. WE KNOW FACTUALLY THE DISH NEEDS TO BE MOVED FROM THE GEN 4 SETTINGS TO THE GEN 5. WE KNOW FACTUALLY WE DO NOT HAVE THE INFORMATION NOR QUALIFICATIONS TO DO THIS OURSELVES. If this is not true, we were lied to by our technician, which I just don't believe is the case. Nothing is broken, nothing needs a repair order, we're running the old internet we are no longer supposed to be paying for or having to settle on because some woman at tech support told us we could do this ourselves. And we have gone around in this circle TOO MANY TIMES trying to tell them that we just need someone sent out to upgrade us, that's all we want, please just send an upgrade order so we don't have to call anymore. FINALLY, we were told they would schedule a repair order, but WE HAVE TO PAY $175 FOR IT. We have to pay $175 for a technician to come out and upgrade us, like we've been asking for in the first place, like we were told directly by a technician needs to happen for this thing to be done right, since this past Thursday. We were told after we're upgraded, call back and they would give us information on being credited for the time we did not have the internet we should have had. Frankly I am DISGUSTED. I am angry, I am frustrated, and I'm a little insulted. We agreed to pay ONLY BECAUSE we're so tired of fighting, we just want it done. Fine, we'll pay, just SEND THE PROPER ORDER. We have not been listened to. We have been talked down to when we keep trying to explain there's not a broken object, we never got our upgrade. We have had Hughesnet for almost a decade purely because there's virtually no other option where we live, but as said in my introductory short paragraph, lately there's been developments in that regard and if we have one more run-around with tech support to even a fraction of this extent, we will go elsewhere. This is not a drill. These are not overdramatics. If she would have sent someone out to fix the outdoor problem in the first place, instead of telling us we NEEDED to upgrade to fix the problem, none of this would have happened. Supposedly, the technician is scheduled-- on OUR DIME, with or without a work order this is getting done-- to be out sometime on Wednesday. We will see if this comes to fruition. I just truly felt the need to let it be known how RIDICULOUS the last two weeks have been, and the tech support phone coverage is to blame here. I am sorry to be spouting off rage here, but it needs to be said.3.6KViews2likes1CommentGen5 - Equipment Lease Vs. Buy considerations
Can anyone tell me where I can find more details on the costs & benefits of whether to opt for equipment leasing or equipment purchase? I tried to find information starting at the Get Started page ( and I didn't meet with much success. I'm assuming the plan pricing information provided does not include equipment leasing costs. Or does it? What are your thoughts on the trade-offs of one option over the other? My predisposition is to purchase the equipment up-front as that generally means I'll pay less for the equipment in the long run. Does leasing afford the option of future (no-additional cost) equipment upgrades or any enhanced service for the hardware? At a minimum I'd at least like to know the total set of costs I'll be paying. Thanks.24KViews2likes8Comments