5 TopicsCustomer Service Complaint
I have been having connection issues with Hughesnet from my first month of service. I take online classes and cannot stay connected long enough to get through an hour long class. Last month after I had paid my bill Hughesnet reversed payment for some unknown reason and charged me a $25.00 return payment fee. NOTE: HUGHESNET not my bank reversed this payment, it isn't even showing up for my bank as a returned payment, with the bank it shows only a single transaction, my payment and it cleared the day after I posted it! So, I contacted customer support to find out why this happend. I got a tech who did NOT speak English as his first language. This is the actual email confirmation response I received. "Contact Reason: Billing Info - Explanation of Charges - Educated Customer" Whoa! Educated customer!!!!! Sorry but I do NOT need a ignorant tech support person educating me on anything!!! Offended, **bleep** yes I am! I was biting the bullet with bad connection service until this little piss ant decided that he had educated me. I had to go away on a business trip the day after this call, when I came home they had disconnected my internet for nonpayment. I sent support a copy of my bank statements showing I had paid, nothing, crickets......totally ignored. After waiting a few days I contacted my bank and had the payment reversed! Not getting my money after being so insulting and then ignoring me when I was paid in full on my account. I am stuck with this dang 2 year contract paying over $80 a month for service I can't use and I can't get a live person that speaks English as their first language on the phone if I can even get anyone to answer I am surprised. If you know anyone thinking about using Hughesnet tell them to run as fast as they can. I have had nothing but problems from the day the tech showed up to install the dish on. I won't even go into all the details and multiple trips from another state just getting this company to plant a dish entailed. I will say this, I WILL NOT CUT DOWN ANOTHER TREE for this company!4.1KViews1like3Comments