Forum Discussion

  • Gwalk900's avatar
    Honorary Alumnus

    What are these data limits of which they speak?

    Should I be concerned?

    • Liz's avatar

      No need to be concerned, Gwalk. Just another way to emphasize that we don't cut off your internet if you exceed your plan's data allowance. :)


    • BirdDog's avatar
      Assistant Professor

      Gwalk900 wrote:

      What are these data limits of which they speak?

      Should I be concerned?


      I think you should swap with another Gen 4 customer who might appreciate the large allowance and use it. Maybe someone with little data hogs, as in kids. :smileytongue:


      Here's me with no kids but wifey who loves history documentaries.


  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Looks like the Gen4 FAP speeds are now similar to Gen5, as well.  That's a nice thing.  :)


    Wait...that's the point.  Ugh.  Nevermind.  It's been a long day.  :p