Forum Discussion

Sarahlashbaugh's avatar
New Poster
7 years ago

Billed 3 times in one month

I had my normal monthly bill, paid it and taken out of my bank account. I went to the bank the other day cause I couldn't figure out why I was missing $226.26 . Turns out my monthly bill of $113.13 (that I already paid) is trying to come out 2 more times. I called someone yesterday and he didnt help me at all. He just kept telling me that I paid the bill, which I knew I did. I just want the other 2 charges cancelled.
  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Hughesnet corporate staff are here M-F, 9-5.  Please hang in there while they review your account and get back to you. 


  • Hi Sarah,


    Welcome to our community and thank you for posting here. I've located your account and also only see one charge for $113.13 for the month of July. Is it possible you can email a picture or screenshot of your bank statement with the line items and dates with those charges to 


    Thank you
