Forum Discussion

BirdDog's avatar
Assistant Professor
8 years ago

Got a Raspberry PI 3

Bought the kit with pretty much everything other that mouse/keyboard. What a fun little computer in a small box. There is even a Ubuntu Mate image for it. Using it as an OSMC/Kodi media player for now. At least 4-5 OS variations for it. Hashtag Fun/Nerd. :smileyhappy:

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Those kits do look pretty fun.  They kind of remind me of the electronics kits you could get when I was a kid.  They came with the board and wires and all sorts of stuff.  


    I was looking at them on Amazon and one of them might be in my future.  They're pretty inexpensive, too, considering.  

    • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
      Associate Professor

      I have always thought about buying one with an SD Card Slot and a small microSD card... They make excellent webservers for a basic website!

      • Amanda's avatar

        Or gutting an old hand held gaming system like a gameboy and loading every emulator you can find on it for the ultimate mobile gaming experience!

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Well, I took the plunge and just ordered the Pi 3 B+.  Should be here next week.  I want to set it up to run old NES and SNES games.  Bought a retro controller and HDMI to DVI cable, as my monitor doesn't have an HDMI connection.  Should be pretty cool.  It ought to be fun.  I'll probably get another micro SD card later so I can try other stuff with it, too.  


    And to think, I'll finally have something that can use the 5Ghz WiFi in the HT2000W.  :p  


    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      Havne't sparked it up, yet.  Will do that tomorrow.  :)  


      • BirdDog's avatar
        Assistant Professor

        Have fun GabeU, I've been using mine as a media player with OSMC/Kodi installed, works great. Lots of OS's and packages for it including Ubuntu MATE.