Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
8 years ago

Never got my blue beams, and they aren't even offered anymore!

When I upgraded to Gen4 in Feb 2016, I expected to get the blue beams that were in the Gen4 TV ads.  I never did, though I patiently waited.  Now, I see that the blue beams are no longer included, as the Gen5 TV ads don't have them.  I'm truly disappointed.  I was waiting for them with bated breath, and was going to show them off to my neighbors and friends, but now that I have Gen5, the possibility ends.  "Look at those blue beams!  I bet you wish you had them!  But you don't!  Neener, neener, neener!"  


Knowing that there is no longer the possibility that I will get them really has me sad.  :(


Goodbye, blue beams.  You were just a dream.  


Blue Beams


  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor

    Dear Gabe, blue beams and unicorns are not real. Only kittens and puppies are.


    • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
      Associate Professor

      Why does this remind me so much of Steven...

    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      BirdDog wrote:

      Dear Gabe, blue beams and unicorns are not real. Only kittens and puppies are.

      Wait..."My Little Unicorn" isn't a real unicorn?  Darnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :(



      • Amanda's avatar

        Oh no I'm having flashbacks.... :womanfrustrated:

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Misleading advertising, GabeU. You know who you have to contact..... :)

    What do we want? Blue beams!

    When do we want them? NOW!