Video Games
1 TopicHughesNet, Gaming, and how to post here
Anyone else play a lot of games on Hughes? I do really good with RTS games, World of Warcraft, and oddly enough, Left 4 Dead 2 works great, as does my beloved Fallout 76. The only games I had trouble with were the EA shooter games, and Grand Theft Auto V. With GTAV, I was never able to connect except through a VPN. Interestingly, after I did everything they tried, including calling HughesNet, I suggested rather bluntly that they must have banned HughesNet IP addresses. I ended up being able to play almost immiediently after, and recieved an email from someone there outside of tech support that apologized for the troubles Finally, this is a weird one, but when I make longer messages on here, I get them "**bleep**", since I was telling a longer version of that story. Why is that? Edit: Im also unable to choose any other label. Hope this isnt a problem to post or anything2.9KViews0likes4Comments