Worst internet
1 TopicCancellation
We don’t have cable and use our smart tvs to watch shows and such, my bf also does a lot of work from home on his phone. I specifically asked if the 100G plan would be able to run 3tvs and 3 phones on multiple occasions and was told yes every time only to never be able to have the internet work on any of the devices. We end up having to use the hotspots on our phones until they run out just to watch tv or do any work. The service is the worst and I’ve called multiple times to do troubleshooting and it only works for a day or two afterwards and then goes right back to not loading anything. I was told after I had been paying for it that the plan I have won’t work and I need to upgrade. It ridiculous and I’m tired of being on the phone for hours with customer service. I’ve called 3 times this week and eveytime I call I get told something different. Thursday when I called it took me calling two different times and rebooting the router 4 times for it to work even a day and then today I called and the lady pretty much told me she wasn’t going to help me or reboot the router until I went and disconnected every device on my service when the only thing connect to the wifi was 1 tv and she proceeded to argue with me that I was wrong and the internet works. I’ve had hughesnet before and it was bad but not this bad and honestly I just want out of the plan but I’m not paying fees to get out of service that doesn’t work and I never want to have to deal with hughesnet again!3KViews0likes5Comments