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Still no sale tokens
The bonus tokens arrive later. If you don't get them within 10 days from the date of purchase, post here again and the reps will check for you. tazangel52wrote: Last week I purchased during the sale , was suppose to get 15 gb on the 10 gb pkg. I only received 10 gb. what happened to the other 5gb. It has been a week. Thank you. ... View more This is the message i got on the board. I wanted to respond but there was no where to do that so I am starting it again. This issue was no resolved. I never received my extra 5 gb. It has been way over 5 days since I bought the 15 gb. 10 regular and 5 free. I only got the regular 10 gb. What happened to my 5 gb extra?Solved2.1KViews0likes2Comments