ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Spot the rookie error Hey Mark, I got the plist to run but haven't gotten sucessfull results yet. Changing "download" to "update" did the trick however I thus far am getting the following message in the console: Service exited with abnormal code: 1 It's being sort of ornery. Kind of looking for a missing or incorrect symbol in assembly code. Lol I'm not able to give it full time attention so the process is taking longer than I initially thought but my limited sucess has convinced me that it can be done. Re: How to schedule mac os Download for off peak hours Hey COGordo, MarkJFine and I have been working on a plist to make off peak scheduling a reality for OS X users. It's still under development and testing but you can follow along and contribute if you can. (see topic: Spot the rookie error) Hopefully we'll have something to share soon. Don :) Re: Spot the rookie error Hey Mark, I've been waiting for an update to be available to "smoke test" it. For a while it seemed they were coming pretty often. I just got notice of an available update (this evening) but I won't be able to check it out until the weekend. I have seen that there are (supposedly) some settings in the GUI that have to be changed from my regular settings. With that, I'm first going to try the version you sent without modifications and we'll see what happens. Re: Apple macOS 10.13.1 and iOS 11.1 are out MarkJFine I just recently discovered that updates done by cli are quite a bit faster. 🚂 Re: Spot the rookie error I was also able to load it under LaunchDaemons. I'm not sure but I'm under the impression that LaunchAgents require user interaction. In either case it loads and unloads without a problem. I'm unable to catch a PID using both the activity monitor and the console. I changed the StartCalenderInterval and watched as it passed the time however currently there are no updates pending. In what little time I had been looking into it, before I saw you revision, I had come across the possibility that itmightneed some form of the following: <key></key> <array> <string></string> <string></string> </array> Regardless, thus far everything seems great. Might have to add the KeepAlive or wait until there's an update. (experimentation needed) I can see in the logs where it loads and unloads but the fact that it's not showing a PID makes me think although it's loading, it's not running. Re: Spot the rookie error Mark, It loaded just fine! :) I'm caught for time right now and haven't gotten to check it out completely Clearly a case of less is more ( might not be the same for older OSs) It will be interesting to see if /LaunchAgents is the right directory but after proofing it if it performs as expected we need to author the solution and give it to the community. I'll do some testing with it as soon as possible. NICE WORK 👍 Don :) Re: Spot the rookie error FWIW I just opened a terminal and pounded out the code following sample structures of course. I've done some more searching (do my best thinking in the middle of the night... uninterrupted LOL) and I don't think it has to have a listener. (but maybe) It might need a keep alive but that can be added (if necessary) after It will load. I've played around with theStandardErrorPath and theStandardOutputPath thinking (at first) the problem might be there. Apparently it's not that easy a task or someone somewhere would have written it. It's clearly something that satellite users could benefit from......... Hopefully together we can do this for the community. I'll keep you posted with any progress here. Good Luck Don :) Re: Spot the rookie error It's not kicking off, it reports "Invalid property list". it's in/Library/LaunchDaemonsand should start withsudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/ I finally got tired and set it aside for now. I've scrutinized it for syntax errors and searched for the reason that it's invalid. Different versions of OS X use different file locations and the finished (working) plistmight be version dependant, idk. the "softwareupdate" command works from terminal so thus far I just haven't figured it out. I'll have to go back and study Creating Launch Daemons and Agents to see what I might be missing. I was going to use cron but since it's depreciated and I wanted to help as many ppl as possible I went with Launchd. Just a work in progress - I thought I would share with you. Don :) Re: Spot the rookie error Well I had the right line. I knew that the single '=' was the problem but wasn't sure how to implement the test. Like I said, "it was just for fun" and I came close. I've been fighting with a property list (plist) to make a Mac update during bonus hours. There's been several ppl who have asked how. I can't seem to find the 'bug' and it may be OS version specific. So far idk. It's something like this: <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPEplistPUBLIC"-//Apple Computer//DTDPLIST1.0//EN" ""> <plistversion="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string></string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>softwareupdate</string> <string>--Download</string> <string>--All</string> </array> <key>StartCalendarInterval</key> <dict> <key>Hour</key> <integer>02</integer> <key>Minute</key> <integer>00</integer> </dict> <key>StandardErrorPath</key> <string>/Users/donsjgm/Library/Application\ Support</string> <key>ProductPaths</key> <string>/Users/donsjgm/Library/Application\ Support</string> </dict> </plist> Re: Spot the rookie error Hi Mark, I don't do PHP so I'm just shooting in the dark but to have some fun with it my guess is it should be => Don :)