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Hughesnet SUCKS
been with this crappy service for over 10 years now and i have had enough of it very poor service!! they saythatwe can not upgrade are plan unless we get the new gen 5 deal but with kids always on the net we burn up are 250 meg daily cap in afew hours when the kids are on then they say we just slow down your service we do not cut you off!! Well that is the BIGGEST LIE they say both on there web page and on the phone!!!! they cut you off to the point it takes you ten YES 10 MINUTESor more just to get to there token page and if you are lucky less the ten minutes later you get your service restored Summer time forget service!!!!!!! it is so overbooked it take sometimes 3 minutes to load a web page!!! Even after rebooting there modem!!!!! you all know most web pages today areway over ten megs to load!!!! i can see buying there $100. + service plan and have it burnd ( used up ) in two weeks or less then the rest of the month NOTHING!!!!!! these people need to use there own service by the same rules they put on us!!!! i would like to see how long they keep hughesnet service???? oh ya let there own kids use it to!!! i would like to hear there kids **bleep** at them about there crappy service!!!!!!!!!!!!! what i like the best when you call is there first words is its the Weather!!!! ???? what i say there is not a dam cloud in the SKY HUGHESNET SERVICE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Solved7.7KViews1like5Comments