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Don't understand
Last month I called and complained about the problem we were have with the constant loading. Before we moved up the hill we were not having that problem. Person said that it was because we were at the end of our cycle, we were at the end of our cycle at our old place too and did not have this problem. Person said that we are at 10 GBand our modem was talking to the satellite. Well she/he said that they could upgrade us to Gen 520 and we could get a 6 month promotional for half the price starting Aug. for 20 GB. After that 6 month promotion I could call and go back to 10 GBfor the price of that lower plan. Now yesterday I talked to a person and was told that we are paying the full amount, not the promotion amount. I don't understand. I know we had put our previous bill on hold while we did not have a permenate address. We paid that bill in full.2.3KViews0likes1Comment