1 TopicAggravated with CS Agents
I don't expect a response - I'm just venting. A couple of weeks ago I called to re-activate my account after being on winter suspension. I do this every year - put my account on seasonal suspension then re-activate it in the spring. This year things with this company have apparently changed because I couldn't re-activate the account - I was not the authorized account name. I put the account name holder on the phone, things were verified, and I was then authorized to take care of the account. Well lo and behold, my account was still inactive 3 weeks later! Needless to say, I was not happy. I called yesterday to find out what happened and the agent DID NOT understand what I was trying to tell him. After several attempts at explaining what I wanted he finally understood - Huh?! So here's the rub - my name was not on the authroized users list! AARGH! AGAIN! I tried telling him I was, that we went through this just last month with another agent, that it was not my fault that that agent didn't do her job, etc, etc. By now I am totally frustrated with this person because he keeps repeating the same thing over and over again, and I'm getting nowhere with him. I tell him I want to speak with his Supervisor now - I get put on Hold - again! (I lost track of how many times I was put on Hold). The agent comes back on the line - the Supervisor won't come on the line because I'm not authorized! Give me a friggin' break! I kept asking for the supervisor, and got the same answer. Finally, I put the authorized person on the phone and the same information as before was relayed to this agent - put me on the authorized user list. So we finally got that settled. Next was that I had to be transferred to Billing! But the agent came back on the line after putting me on Hold and proceeded to tell me that Billing had to speak with the authorized name on the account!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I told him he had to take care of it because he had just spoken to the authorized person on the account - no ifs ands or buts! He tried to tell me, but I wouldn't have anything to do with it. I said He better take care of it NOW. I was put on Hold once again, but you know what? He came back on the line and told me the account was being re-activated as we spoke. How FRUSTRATING! I was on the phone for over 35 minutes with this joker! I couldn't believe it. In the past, all it took was a simple phone call. What happened?2.2KViews0likes3Comments