1 TopicLies Lies and more lies with NO OPTIONS!
I have talked with your staff and supervisors regarding a problem with a modem and a contract and no one is listening and just telling me the same thing over and over again, I can't get refunded for the modem. In 2017 an employee of Hughes came out to hook up our new modem the HT2000W at that time we asked if we could purchase it, the man said no. We had purchased our last modem to save lease charges. At that time he told me it was not for sale. Which is totally contrary to what one of your support reps wrote in an email it said: I am quite concerned to learn that you were told at the beginning of your service that your HT2000W modem cannot be purchased when that could not be farther from the truth, so I am pleased to inform you that you can indeed purchase it if you prefer that instead of leasing it. Please be aware that the purchase fee for your current HT2000W modem is of a one time charge of $349.99, if you decide to move forward and wish to own it, as much as I would like to assist you myself to make this happen, I'd need to invite you to please give us a phone call dialing 1-866-347-3292, and request for our billing department so that one of our friendly customer service professionals may assist you with the steps required for the modem purchase, we're available 24/7, every day of the year at your convenience. For any additional questions and clarifications you may also reach us through our Chat Support Center by visiting: I really hope this helps! Your case ID for this e-mail contact is 119263392. You may receive an e-mail survey which will allow you to rate the service that you have received from me today through this e-mail response. You may rate said survey from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest score. I would really appreciate your feedback so I may better assist you in the future! Sincerely, Maria Gilmore HughesNet Support I spoke with a rep from your company today when I called in with my complaint. His name was Allen Brown. He told me that the modem was NOT for sale when we upgraded and got the modem. Then he said when I renewed my contract I agreed to lease the modem. NO I agreed to lease due to it not being for sale. But apparently it WAS for sale at that time, the problem I have is they read you the contract and only give the customer the option of leasing it. No where in that contract is and either or stipulation. e.g. You may lease the modem for x amount of dollars per month OR you could buy the modem outright for this amount. This is mandatory (or so I thought) that when a business gives you the information on AN ITEM that is for sale the only thing they mention is that you have to lease it and do you agree to the terms....well of course I agreed to the terms because I was told it wasn't for sale WHEN IT WAS. We bought our last modem and wanted to this one, but the guy who was installing it said that this modem would never be up for sale. See your employees notes above. So many inconsistencies SO my assumption is: Hughes is making money off all of it's customers by only giving them lease option in their contracts and does not provide them with the option to buy. I asked Mr. Brown to look back on our account...NEVER LATE LOYAL CUSTOMERS and customers who are up for purchasing this modem. Also you don't even have the modem listed on your site to purchase so once again that is tricking the consumer into thinking the only option is a lease option. I wanted a refund of what we had paid in lease fees and purchase the modem but Mr. Brown said no and was very argumentative he spoke while I was still speaking... I beg of you to listen to that chat. So my sister told me that the claims I've listed here about how Hughes is tricking it's customers into thinking LEASE is the ONLY option then I should report it to the better biz bureau and AG. I will withhold that for now because I have a website which is visited by thousands daily ....I was held captive in IRAN during 9/11. I wrote a book and Discovery channel did a documentary and now I'm speaking with script writers. I'm only telling you this so you understand why I get so many visitors. I WILL POST MY OPINION AND EXPERIENCE THERE IF NEED BE. Since returning from being held four years in IRAN I noticed how big business subtly scams the consumer by getting them to sign these contracts but only offering them ONE choice when in fact there are many. So the consumer assumes his only option is what the phone employee has stated. They don't tell me I have an option of purchasing the modem and saving lease fees. Matter of fact your business doesn't even offer the modem as for sale on your website making consumers believe that it's not for sale therefore I must lease it. I hope you can take care of this matter for me. They also claimed I couldn't speak for John. John put me as the primary account holder due to his inability to speak correctly and it embarrasses him,. So I don't understand why I can;t speak he gave me permission by putting me on the account. ALSO FYI MY WEBSITE IS WWW.LORIS-SONG.COM AND MY BOOK'S NAME IS "LORIS SONG". i KNOW I MIGHT KEEP REPEATING MYSELF AND I APOLOGIZE I LOVE HUGHES BUT I DON'T LIKE BEING TRICKED INTO LEASING SOMETHING I COULD HAVE BOUGHT. EVERY STORE OR ORGANIZATIONS THAT SELL ITEMS MUST GIVE THEIR CUSTOMERS ALL THE OPTIONS OF HOW TO PURCHASE SAID ITEM. E.G YOU CAN LEASE IT OR YOU CAN MAKE PAYMENTS OR YOU CAN BUY IT OUTRIGHT. YOUR CONTRACT ONLY STATES THAT WE AGREE TO LEASE. THERE IS NO OTHER OPTIONS. AND YOU DON'T LIST IT ON YOUR SITE AS FOR SALE VERSUS LEASING. I APOLOGIZE IF I SEEM VERY ANGRY IT'S BECAUSE I AM AT YOUR SUPERVISOR WHO QUESTIONED ME LIKE A LAWYER AND WAS VERY RUDE. I just want your most updated modem or the best of class and to purchase it and to have my money for the 24 months of leasing (14.99) refunded or applied towards the purchase of the modem. I thank you for listening to me and considering my words. Thank you Lori & John Hinderer6KViews1like1Comment