early termination
4 TopicsDisgraceful Product: I plan to have my service cancelled with no termination fee
I have dealt with unsatisfactory service from internet providers before but HughesNet should be ashamed of how they are operating. I have been blatantly lied to multiple times and to find out this is a pervasive issue, I do not understand how this company conitnues to operate except that they are preying on people who have no or few other options for service. To begin, we were sold lied to by our sales rep about the product we were offered. He assured us that the plan would more than cover us for our needs, which I might say are very basic: evening streaming, use of our cell phones (since we barely get cell service at our home), use of Zoom to colleagues and students for my work and some internet browing during the day. Second, he gave us incorrect information about the nature of the credit check. We were told it owuld be a "hard" credit check, which we were unable to do due to the loan on our home not yet being finalized (we were later told by another rep that htis was incorrect and it would have been a soft check). He then convinced us to list a family member for the credit check. We expressed discofort with this, but due to already being disconnected once and having to go through all the set up steps twice, we reluctanly provided the information and then requested that he NOT CALL THIS PERSON until we were able to contact them directly to expain the situation. He agreed. He then called us back stating he had decided to go ahead and call this person--he admitted. without promting, that he knew we has asked him NOT TO DO THIS and HE DID IT ANYWAY in order to get the sale moving more quickly. We were VERY upset and expressed this to him and he brushed it off. A few weeks later after our service began, when we noticed a noticeable drop in performance, we called tech support and became aware that our accout was not in our name but but in tat of our family members that gave the credit check. I then spent a week on and off the phone with different representatives who explained the situation to me. I explained that while I now understood that the account was in this family memebrs name due to the credit check, the sales rep NEVER mentioned that this would be the case. I explaind that we simly would have waited to begin service had this been explained to us, which it HAD NOT! The first person we spoke with told us we need to send in some paperwork which we did. When I called back to check on this, I was told this was incorrect informiton and we could not use this paperwork since we did not own our equipment. We were told we would need to either buy the worthless equipment or have this family member call in to cancel the service so we could reopen in our name. I explained that we did not want to trouble this persin any more than they alrady had been. We left things here, requesting a call back after they consulted with an acount manager. We never got a call back. The next time I called back, which again was when our service was incredibly slow, I aksed to follw up with our account ownership issue. I was transferred to an account manager who said he was a senior account manager and he could make this name change of ownership over the phone right now. He said he had completed it in about 5mins. I was astonished after hearing from at least 3 others that this was not possible. I expressed wariness and he again assured me that he was able to take care of this because of his position in the company. I would later come to find out this was a complete LIE and this change never occured. We then spent an hour on the phoen disucsisng our dissatisfaction with the product, expaining that our plan data was gone in a few days at the beginnign of the month after we were sold something that would cover us for our very basic internet needs. He refused to waive the termination fee but talked me into a discounted upgrade. This issue continues to be a problem for us. The upgrade has done nothing but give us 1-2 more days of high speed internet at the very beginning of the month. We feel we were lied to and decieved from the very beginning. I would like to have my sales call (later Septmeber 2019) as well as the call with the account manager who said he took care of the change of ownernership (on or around November 20th, 2019) audited to confirm the LIES and inappropriate behavior against our wishes. I believe this is more than enough to jsutify a HUGE apology and the waiving of the early termination fee. I am also conducting speed tests to show that our service is abismal and in no way meeting our needs. We are barely able to browse the internet, its not worth even trying to stream shows in the evening, and I cannot connect to Zoom internet call for work. THis is unaccetapable to be deciecing customers about the service you are offering.5.4KViews1like6CommentsEarly Termination
I called into the HughesNet service on or about Jan. 30, 2019. I spoke with the representative and explained to him exactly what I needed the service for. My grandson does online schooling. The representative assured me that this service would work for my grandson. The representative stated that it would ge a good idea, because if it isn't working for him, that I could cancel at anytime. I took him for his word and had HughesNet install their equipment. After less than 30 days my grandson complained that it was very slow and not doing what he needed. I called in to HughesNet today (3-4-19), to explain to the representative that it is not working for my grandson and I needed to cancel the service. She stated that it would be a $400.00 fee if I cancelled today. Let them check and see what they could do different before I cancelled. I stated that I just wanted to cancel the service, and why would I be charged $400.00 just to cancel for a months service. She stated that I needed to go back and look at my contract. I told her that the representative stated that there was no commitment and I could cancel at anytime, because he understood that it was for the online schooling. So its not working for that purpose and I want to cancel. And HughesNes would charge me an extra $300.00 for the equipment if not returned. But the $400.00 for cancelling, I'm not getting. When I was told there was no commitment.2.1KViews0likes2CommentsAbsolutely Livid
As a business customer, I thought I would have been dealt with far better. I am making an official complaint and will follow this up with a legal letter. I have had this service for a little over a couple of months and the service has been the worst I have ever have. Now don't get me wrong, the techs who came and visited my property several times were more than professional but the fact I have had to have techs come out several times because the service is severely under par, is bad. As a media publishing and legal marketing company, I rely on the internet and I am just not getting the service. After going through every possible technical issue and having new equipment installed, I am still having problems. Finally, after exhausting all possible avenues, including tech visits, I decided I would have to more than likely part company, but as I was told, in order to do that I would have to pay over 1100 dollars to get out of the contract. When the service is substandard and I am not receiving anywhere near the service level I am supposed to receive, why should I have to pay. What company in their right mind tries to force you to pay them an exorbitant amount after they do not provide you with the service they are supposed to. Even with the obligatory statements of not guaranteeing a speed, there is some caveat that it should be adequate enough for using the net. When sold this, it was sold to me on the basis of being able to do exactly what was needed to run my business. Case after case after case, all possible avenues exhausted yet I am told there's no way I can get out without paying them 1100 or more dollars to do so. I am going to take this further and the last agent was not courteous or even remotely understanding. I am severely disappointed in this company. I will make sure I review accordingly and distribute said experience. At the very least, Hughes net should understand for a small company that when you rely on the service to run your business and you can't because it is substandard, why should you be forced into submission and pay what is tantamount to highway robbery.3.4KViews1like5CommentsCanceling contract without penalty due to misleading sales pitch
I am extremely disappointed with the lack of integrity Hughes net has shown me as a company. I signed up for the service in march under a completely misleading sales pitch. The salesperson went out of their way to tell me that they are a college student that lives in Missouri (in tornado alley), and they never have any issues with service cutting out. This is what I was told after I asked how reliable Hughes net service is, and how it is during storms. I would NOT have signed up for Hughes net, had I not been told that misleading statement (lie). Our internet cuts off completely during any and every little storm. It rains a lot where I live, so this is completely unacceptable. Not only was I lied to for the sale, but I did not authorize any other charges on my account, nor was I presented with any information that I would have any extra charges after one month. I signed up for 64 dollars a month, including the satellite rental. I recently checked my credit card, and noticed I was being charged 75 dollars, ever since I signed up. I contacted customer service today via phone, and explained the situation. They told me that they would remove the insurance service fee that they added to my account WITHOUT my prior authorization. At that point, I was completely fed up with all of the lies and unauthorized charges, that I asked to please speak with someone about cancelling my services without penalty. It went south from there. I wasted over an hour of my time talking in circles with customer service, who even had the nerve to try and sell me more data!! If I am sold a service based on a lie, I should not have to pay for early termination, when I am beyond unsatisfied with my service. That is completely unethical and disgraceful. I have had direct tv before, and know that satellite service is not always perfect, but when a salesperson goes out of their way to assure me that Hughes net is great during storms, just to get a sale, that is where I draw the line. I would like to be contacted by someone who can assist me with this matter and waive the termination fee. I will not waste anymore time on useless phone calls with customer service who completely ignored what I called about and told me to call them whenever there's an issue. I don't have the free time to call anytime there's a storm and I lose internet. That is such an unreasonable request.3KViews1like1Comment