1 TopicData usage report.
I would like a detailed report on my data usage. For last month and this month. I believe I am missing 3GB of data. so I would like to compare my records with the ones you guys have of my account. I talked on the phone and the lady told me to come here to get a report on my data usage. For some reason, she didn't has the access to give it to me? even though she was reading to me my data usage day by day. so I would love to see that report on my data. My first month was up and everything was great I went to check my data usage and apparently I used 8GB of data before even waking up? maybe it was an update on my computer. but the oddest thing was that I never started at 30GB I only started at 27GB for the beginning of the month and I go to look at last months data usage. and there was 3GB for Jun 9 then Jun 10 comes around the beginning of my new data cycle and it starts with 27GB. That's why I would like to see my detailed data usage. thanks.Solved6.2KViews0likes7Comments