Forum Discussion

Shana66's avatar
New Member
8 years ago

Hughes net sucks!

Sold our house unexpectedly. Where we moved would not allow their dish, nor put a pole in the ground. So I got charged $255 termination fee for something thats not my fault. I had called to terminate my service because I had full filled my 2 year contract. Then Hughes net talked me into upgrading to Gen5 which they GUARANTEED would be faster umm WRONG!!! So Hughes net enjoy that free $255, Because I'm telling EVERYONE I know not to use your service!! Choke on it!! Hughes net is a rip off!!!!

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    If the sales rep truly did guarantee that the service would be faster they certainly shouldn't have done so, as something like that can't be guaranteed.  


    It's too bad that you didn't come here while you still had the service to get help with the speed issues.


    With that said, though, you not being able to receive service at your new location is not Hughes' fault, so the ETF would be justified.  


    I wish you luck with your new ISP.  

    • nbh0135's avatar
      New Poster

      Its not your speed Its your CONSTANT pricing scams. This is your last change or I'm GONE. Get your act as a company is about to hit to the skids FOR GOOD. How stupid do you think people are?

    • nbh0135's avatar
      New Poster

      Nothing ever your fault. Is it? I'm calling **bleep** on Hughes net. Nice try on your call centers in Pakistan. I now keep EVERY SINGLE RECORD and so-called case #. The next time screws with my bill I'm calling for (something Hughes net will not permit in this community.)  God forbid we all unite. That will cost you more than just being HONEST. Try cleaning up your act. IF at all possible. Which I doubt,

      • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
        Associate Professor

        This is a Community Forum, if you have a problem you might want to create a new topic in the appropriate section, and explain your issue instead of rambling incoherent thoughts.