Forum Discussion
10 years ago
Just signed in for the 3 'free' tokens. Was hesitant to do so, as my bandwidth is limited to 50 Gigabytes, and most often 'feels' like about 2 Gigabytes.
- LizModeratorWelcome to the community J.D.!
Thanks for signing up. Have you already sent us an e-mail with your Community User Name and account number (SAN) with Community Token Claim in the subject line? If not, please do so and e-mail that to us at
After 2 weeks of activity we’ll automatically
place 3 free tokens in your account. We believe you’ll continue to find
value in posting questions, concerns and sharing feedback with fellow
subscribers nationwide.
- Am hesitant to reply, as doing so will eat additional bandwidth... which is very limited, even with the monthly allowance of 50 Gigs for 'only' $120 per month. Wish I had access to true, unlimited DSL here, like I do in town... which costs a fraction of what Hughes Net charges, is, indeed, unlimited, and is FAST.
- LizModeratorGood morning J.D.,
Have you already downloaded our Status Meter? The most important tool to download is the Status Meter, available in the Customer Support Center, so download that if you haven’t already: This helps you keep an eye on your data allowance and lets you purchase additional tokens, if needed, to avoid reduced speeds if you run out of Anytime Bytes.
To help you monitor your data usage and other performance metrics, we’ve gathered resources for you here, which also includes community
Keep in mind there are countless factors to consider that can use your data:
- more devices are capable of connecting to the internet: phones, tablets, gaming consoles, SmartTVs, and even refrigerators can connect wirelessly to the internet. Keep track of what devices you leave running on Wi-Fi.
- automatic-updates: your computer and any other programs you use will often keep working in the background, even if you're not actively using that program, in order to keep your system/program up-to-date. Anti-virus programs will periodically use your internet connection to check back with their malware database for any updates. You should have an option to turn off auto-updates and/or schedule them for a later time.
- multimedia content: Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, news sites, and other websites will contain videos, animated gifs, and sound clips that may start playing as soon as you land on the site. So much content, so easily available almost everywhere on the internet. For starters, try disabling auto-play video on Facebook:
or adjusting your Netflix playback quality to SD:
- more data sources can be found here, as posted by a fellow community member:
If you still have additional concerns, please let me know, I'm happy to assist.
Liz - Yes, I have downloaded the new status meter, and use it constantly.
- LizModeratorHi J.D.,
That's great! If you're ever unsure of how your data is being used, the best way to determine how is by process of elimination. Let's start with the HughesNet modem by following these steps:
For your convenience, here's a helpful site on how to take screenshots:
I look forward to hearing back from you.