I was thinking about the gateways and wondering what they look like. Would it be one small dish nobody notices? A really big dish like a radio telescope? A row of dishes all aimed the same way?...
Sure it could be something else, but it appears to be a 13.2m dish which is what was listed in the license application for the OMA gateway. I was searching for this one because I thought such a big dish would be easy to find compared to the ones with smaller dish antenna.
Of course, it occurs to me that maybe all gateways now have this size dish, just they may not be able to be located at the normal site because of restrictions like being too close to airports. The footnote in the application made it seem as if pilots might crash into them on takeoff or something based on comment about FAA notification which made me snicker a bit -- I am not sure why the wording of the footnote made me think that.
*images from Wikipedia and HughesNet advertisement page.