Forum Discussion

Jay's avatar
6 years ago

Favorite Books?

It's National Library Sheflie Day! If you have a local library, or even a small home library/single bookshelf/nightstand with a book on it that you've been neglecting for months, you can share a shelfie :manlol: or some of your favorites in your collection! I can always use some good reads. 

I usually have my "library" on display


And for books that you'd typically see in a library, I've been reading through The Witcher series by Polish author, Andrzej Sapkowski. 

I'm a big fan of Fantasy, Horror and Thrillers, but I've been wanting to read more non-fiction as well. Any suggestions?


    • Jay's avatar

      I do own the entire Hush run but it's hidden somewhere in one of my long boxes. 

      I used to rotate the books on the wall regularly, but I've gotten lazy on that recently. Batman #612 was up on the wall for a long time!

      Image result for batman 612"


  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV


    Currently reading this in when I have a few moments. 

    (Looking forward to National Pie Day tomorrow!!)

    • Jay's avatar

      Just read the synopsis, it looks interesting! I'll add it to my list of non-fiction to get to.

      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        It's actually very good, but I'm a corporate atto*ney, so it's of interest to me. I don't think it has superheroes in it, but it can be argued it does have villains. ;)


        Jay wrote:

        Just read the synopsis, it looks interesting! I'll add it to my list of non-fiction to get to.