Forum Discussion

Jay's avatar
5 years ago


Today is March 10th, or MAR10 for MARIO DAY! The original "jumpman", Mario is one of the most iconic video game characters of all time. Do we have any Super Mario or Nintendo fans here in the community? 

My personal favorite Mario game is Super Mario 64 for the N64, and I'd be lying if I didn't say it's mostly because of nostalgia.

Image result for super mario 64
Some of my other favorites include Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario RPG, Mario Kart (any of them, really), and his newest 3D platformer, Super Mario Odyssey. 

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the horrifying, Super Mario Bros. movie. Truly the stuff of nightmares. 

Image result for super mario bros movie

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    I remember playing Super Mario Bros. in the 80s.

  • Awwwwwwww Mario day! 


    Not sure if I can pick my fave Mario game... I've had a lot of fun memories with a bunch of them:


    -Super Mario Bros: I remember my uncle showing me the infinite 1up trick; blew my mind

    -Super Mario 3: Probably loved this one the most of the original trilogy, especially the different costumes you can wear (Tanuki Mario <3)

    -Super Mario World: I think this came with the SNES system so the thrill over a new console and all the fresh features in SMW made everything more exciting

    -Super Mario Kart: BATTLE MODE

    -Mario Is Missing!: Yes... I had this educational Mario game and I liked it. I was a geography nerd.

    -Super Mario Kart 64: Playing against my brother and friends, so chaotic


    I didn't really play any other Mario games after the N64... well I have Mario Kart for mobile, but it's not quite the same :/ Neverless I just might log in for a quick race. 


    I'll be getting the Nintendo Switch soon, however, and I plan to get whatever Mario Kart game is on that console. :D




    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      I think Super Mario Bros. was my favourite.

    • Jay's avatar

      If you get Mario Kart, we're gonna have to race Liz 


      • Liz's avatar

        Yes!! You have a Switch? I can bring mine to work hahaha (to play during lunch, of course)




  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    I was never much of a Super Mario fan, though I did add a few Mario games to RetroPie on my Raspberry Pi gaming system.  I kind of skipped over Nintendo when I was younger, having gotten burned out on the Atari 2600 and then getting back into gaming a little with the SNES in the early/mid 90s.  I'm more of an RPG fan.  


    I've played the original Super Mario, though.  It was fun.  I just didn't get "addicted" to it like some did.  Final Fantasy IV (originally II in the US), though?  Now that I could play for hours on end.  

    • Jay's avatar

      GabeU I'm a fan of Final Fantasy myself and have been playing through a lot of them in preparation for the VII Remake. Currently playing through VI again, which is my persoanl favorite of them all. Lots of people have been recommending Chrono Trigger for years claiming it is the best RPG of all time and remains the best to this day. Have you ever checked it out?


      • GabeU's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV



        I have Chrono Trigger on my Raspberry Pi, but I haven't tried it as of yet.  I, too, saw that it was highly rated and recommended, so it's one of the ones I made sure to get while the "getting" was still easy.  


        I have FFVI on my system as well, but I haven't gone any further than looking at the very beginning of it.  I had a friend who got it back in the 90s and he loved it.  The whole "original US release title" and subsequent release thing makes it difficult to know exactly what you're getting when you find the ROMS of those two FF games.  Luckily, I was able to find the right ones.  :)