Forum Discussion

BirdDog's avatar
Assistant Professor
8 years ago

Stranger Things

Starting to watch season 2. Love it, kids and scary stuff, makes me feel young again. Nice diversion from all the real world junk.  :smileyhappy:


No computers or cell phones either.......oh wait no satellite internet either which I'm using to watch it. Still, brings back memories even though 20+ years after my middle school years.  Close enough compared to today's world.


Oh **bleep** a Ford

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Binge watched the whole series yesterday.  Great stuff, though not as good (imo) as S1. Love all the 80s references. And Paul Reiser. And Sean Astin.

    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      Netflix + Hughesnet -- fantastic.  No problems with the VDS speed -- Stranger Things looked great on a large TV.  Netflix always delivers good quality images, even with VDS turned on.


      NBC streaming app + Hughesnet -- forking bad.  Watching The Good Place is very frustrating because, I suppose, NBC doesn't like latency. I've tried casting from their website as opposed to the app, but there's no difference.  I have tried disabling VDS and it's the same story, so I'm blaming NBC. Boo on you, NBC.

      • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
        Associate Professor

        I think I will stick to the new StarTrek Discovery and Orville >.>

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Call me uninformed, but I had never heard of "Stranger Things" until yesterday.  First saw it in the preview for ET after the evening news yesterday, then I saw it mentioned on another show, then I saw it mentioned on a news ticker that one of the actors had been denied entry into the US due to a residue of "a drug" found in his luggage.  


    Never hearing of it, then three times since yesterday.  SMH.  Looks like an interesting show, though.   


    MarkJFine  I remember those trailers!  That's going back a while.  :p  

    • maratsade's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV

      "Call me uninformed, but I had never heard of "Stranger Things" until yesterday."


      The second season dropped on Netflix on Friday, so everyone was talking about it.  I'm sure things will quiet down after a while, until it's time for S3. :)