Forum Discussion
Spam and a few other things.
I will start by stating that Hughes has done the unthinkable.
I have 3 separate email accounts on hughes mail. None of the 3 are in any way connected to the others. All 3 have separate contacts for different purposes. As of two weeks ago I started getting spammed. The spam hits all 3 email accounts at the same time. The same spam email to all 3 separate, not related accounts. That can mean only one thing. Hughes has sold my email addresses. Anyone else having this problem? I dump them in the spam folder but it does not stop them. I have even tried the block button. That does not work either. Hughes has so many problems, ie: latency; must close browser to get to next email account; etc., it's hard to imagine how they stay in business.
Liz has carried their water for a long long time. She does the best she can. Nobody at Hughes listens to her or us. THANKS HUGHES for nothing.
- MarkJFineProfessor
Oletrapper wrote:That can mean only one thing. Hughes has sold my email addresses. Anyone else having this problem?
I am not getting spam and have never gotten any spam on my email account. I have also never used the account as a login for any service.
Therefore your assumption that they have sold the addresses (and your attitude they have done the unthinkable) is 100% bunk.
- OletrapperFreshman
Obviously another water carrier. How many hughes accounts do you have? I have 3. Hughes is the only entity that has or knows about those 3 accounts. I can understand the possibility of getting spam on one or another from time to time. But to get the same spam emails going to all 3 accounts at the same time? Fact not bunk! Keep carrying their water Mark. Nuff said.
- OletrapperFreshman
I almost forgot. Why don't you address the other items in my post. Spam folder useless. It does nothing but let you place them in the folder. Even then, it fails to keep accurate count.
The block button. Why does it not work? Why have it? Latency. There's a good one for you.
How about having to close your browser to get to another hughes email account. Now, nuff said!
- MarkJFineProfessor
1. They changed providers.2. Some accounts didn't move over very smoothly.
3. The spam facilities on the new provider doesn't work like the old one that the app was designed for, in fact one had a folder named 'Spam', whereas the other was named 'Junk'.
4. They have yet to catch up and make everything whole.
I don't carry water for anyone. I work with proven facts - not made up assumptions based on limited knowledge that suit an agenda that you may have.
But let's go back to the quite libellous theory that Hughes sold your email addresses that I've already proven to be incorrect. If that's not the case and since these things don't happen by themselves, then clearly it's something unthinkable that YOU did to yourself. QED
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
I've had the same HughesNet email address for a number of years now. I also have another that I created about three years ago. No spam here. No one sold my addresses.
I think jumping to the conclusion that your email addresses have been sold by HughesNet is a tad bit ridiculous. Had you bothered to do any amount of research you would have found this, which took about twenty seconds to find.
Lastly, choosing to mock not only HughesNet employees, but those who selflessly take time out of their day in order to help others, is quite low.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
"Hughes has sold my email addresses. Anyone else having this problem? "
I haven't.
"Hughes has so many problems, ie: latency;"
Not a problem but a feature of satellite communications.
"must close browser to get to next email account; etc.,"
They're working on fixing this annoyance; probably won't happen until sometime in 2021.
" it's hard to imagine how they stay in business."
Really? They're doing rather well, actually.
Have you thought about going with another email provider? You've had a lot of problems with Webmail; it may be time for you to go with someone else and get some peace of mind.
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