Forum Discussion
Why would I even notice something like this?
Yes, there's a newer one. I believe it's 6.7.0, though I can't remember for sure.
I miss that bar graph, too. It was helpful to know where you were, data wise, compared to where you should not be, and to know it quickly. Call me lazy, but I'd rather be able to see it quickly than to figure it out on a calculator.
Hmm...let's see. 20GB divided by 30, or 31, or 28 (or even 29 :p ), then multiply that by the days so far. OR, take a look and see it in two seconds. I'll take the latter, thank you very much. LOL.
I might actually end up using a little token data this month. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! LOL. I want it to be one of those things that I have, but never need. :)
GabeU, if you go over, you have GOT to take a pic of it. You're Mr SuperDataMiser, after all. You have a duty to document your downfall. ;)
I'd rather see the bar graph than have to learn how to use a TI84 calculator...
What do we want?
The bar graph!
When do we want it?
(Is it too soon for satirical posts about skulduggery??)
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Eh, I don't know. I've got about 29 hours left before my data resets and about 1.75GB to go, so I don't think I'll go over. If I do, though, I'll be sure to get a snapshot!!! If I didn't have all of the token data I would deliberately go into FAP to see what the speed is like, but I'd have to burn through all of my token data to do so, so that's not going to happen.
Not so much the data miser anymore, but I used to be when I had Gen4. My stepfather is the REAL data miser, rarely going over 1GB in a month with his Gen4. In fact, I don't know if he ever has.
With that said, I definitely do keep an eye on my data usage, that's for sure. Probably more than most people. Next month I'm going to be using my Netgear router for everything, and though it doesn't have a breakdown of the data usage from each device, it will give me the total, which I can compare to HughesNet's tally. I did the same for nearly two weeks a few months ago, and it was pretty much dead on, give or take a few MBs.
I'm doing the above because now that I have a smart phone, it makes tracking the data even harder. On the computers I can just check Glasswire, but the phone's WiFi usage now throws that total off. So, my cheap Netgear WNR2000v4 to the rescue! :p The WiFi throughput on it hits about 96Mbps, so it's good enough.
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
GabeU wrote:Not so much the data miser anymore, but I used to be when I had Gen4. My stepfather is the REAL data miser, rarely going over 1GB in a month ....
I'm a Miser too. Have a pre-paid 1GB/ mo plan on my cell phone from ATT.
I never go over my limit cause I drop out of cell coverage at my neighbors malbox.
Thats why I was happy to hear that the H2000w modem had built in wi-fi
maratsade and as far as "collecting" tokens goes, I have to stoop down and pick them off the street to collect them. HughesNet wont give me complimentary Tokens any more with Gen5. after 11 years with Gen 3. :smileyfrustrated:
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
kitnbob wrote:@maratsade and as far as "collecting" tokens goes, I have to stoop down and pick them off the street to collect them. HughesNet wont give me complimentary Tokens any more with Gen5. after 11 years with Gen 3. :smileyfrustrated:
I tend to find them on my lawn once in a while, and even found a few MBs in a grocery store parking lot once. :p
One day, while mowing the lawn, I saw something shiny by my dish. I went over and looked, and sure enough, a coax connector was loose and some data had been dripping out. Luckily, it had fallen on a large leaf and collected, so I scooped the data up, then came inside and poured it into the top of my modem. Now THAT was a find! :p
- MarkJFine8 years agoProfessor
I still have a bunch of prepaid and free tokens that are unapplied. Don't even remember how I got them.
Those never show in the Usage Meter until you go to buy some and hit "Use".
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
MarkJFine wrote:Those never show in the Usage Meter until you go to buy some and hit "Use".
I remember that from Gen3 I couldnt use the "Status Meter" app
had to go to home.myhughesnet and to my surprise I had six or eight accumulated . Never bought any.
I never upgraded my plan to Gen4. Three or four months ago, I just skipped it and upgraded to Gen5.
and then the app changed names to Usage Meter. and All My Tokens were gone. ("your New plan dosent support "complementary tokens")
So I have been paying attention to my warnings as GabeU has :smileywink:
- maratsade8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Is there a place to set the time on the SCC? Mine is 5 hours ahead. (I hadn't noticed the 24 hour clock, but I'm used to that so it's not a problem).
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
maratsade wrote:Is there a place to set the time on the SCC? Mine is 5 hours ahead. (I hadn't noticed the 24 hour clock, but I'm used to that so it's not a problem).
No. The SCC is on UTC for everyone. Having it on peoples' own time zones would/could cause too much chaos when it comes to many aspects of, not ony the modem itself, but tech services.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
maratsade wrote:GabeU, if you go over, you have GOT to take a pic of it. You're Mr SuperDataMiser, after all. You have a duty to document your downfall. ;)
Well, I made it through. Only 42 minutes to go. It's the closest I've ever come, though. It's also the most data, combined, that I've ever used.
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
MarkJFine wrote:...Those never show in the Usage Meter until you go to buy some and hit "Use".
Ive been looking all over for where the tokens are hiding. I had to laugh at the hiding places GabeU Found.
I found some more HERE..
MarkJFine is right. Never show themselves . I wonder how long they'll hide there.. :smileyhappy:
They're not in Here...Wow! I see 9 more hiding HERE
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
What I'd do, and I wish I had done with my own, is leave at least some of those tokens right where they are. What I mean is don't add all of them to the Token Bytes Available by clicking on the Use button next to the 9 Prepaid and 6 Free tokens. That way, you can decide whether to use your token data or go into FAP, though the 3000MB that you already do have banked would have to be used (automatically) before going into FAP. For most things, FAP speed would be fine for me, and I would only need full service speed for streaming or download a large file, for which I could then add some token data to the Token Bytes Available by clicking on "Use" next to them. But, I made the mistake of clicking "use" on all of my tokens, so I can't control their usage that way now. If I run out of Service Plan Data my tokens are going to be automatically used and I will never go into FAP until every single MB of token data is utilized. :( Not that I want to have to do either, but I'd rather be able to choose whether to use tokens or go into FAP if I ever run out of my service plan data.
That's just an idea.
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
Thanks Gabe. I planned to leave them right where they are. Maybe they will reproduce, clone themselves, Multiply!!!
Token - Free (500MB) Token - Free (500MB) We dont even Know if the six little Token - Free (500MB) Token - Free (500MB) Tokens are the same 3GB that have been already awarded to me because Token - Free (500MB) Token - Free (500MB) of the satellite outage of Jan 2 this year.
It might have been a Data Token - 3 GB (3000MB) There are also 9 more little Token - Prepaid (500MB) in the ADD playpen. Heck, they might morph into something big. Data Token - 10 GB (10000MB)
Ya never know :smileyembarrassed:
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
The 3GB of tokens given due to the outage in early Jan is almost assuredly the 3000MB that is already in the Data Tokens Available (banked). So, you actually have 10.5GB of tokens in total, with the 3GB from the outage already banked. Not bad at all. :)
As for multiplying, stranger things have happened! LOL. :p
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
It's your duty. I heard That.
GabeU wrote:
maratsade wrote:GabeU, if you go over, you have GOT to take a pic of it. You're Mr SuperDataMiser, after all. You have a duty to document your downfall. ;)
Well, I made it through. Only 42 minutes to go. It's the closest I've ever come, though. It's also the most data, combined, that I've ever used.
Well. WHAT was so darn Important that you downloaded the most data EVER for? Token - Prepaid (500MB)
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
Most Data EVER?
GabeU wrote:
maratsade wrote:GabeU, if you go over, you have GOT to take a pic of it. You're Mr SuperDataMiser, after all. You have a duty to document your downfall. ;)
Well, I made it through. Only 42 minutes to go. It's the closest I've ever come, though. It's also the most data, combined, that I've ever used.
I went on a binge in Nov 2017 and downloaded a bunch of "flac" audio file of live concerts in '68 and early 70's.
about 4.8 Gb of Grateful Dead, 10 Gb of NRPS, another 10Gb of Gram Parsons with the Byrds, and Flying Burrito Bros, and EmmyLou Harris. Token - Prepaid (500MB) who all Gram sang with. I met Mr FAP that month Token - Prepaid (500MB) FAP wasnt so bad. I probably have more Audio files time stamped that month. I was downloading on 2 Drives so that they wouldnt over heat.
I didnt know those little tokens were hiding till just a few days ago.
So, YOU haven't met Mr FAP yet? (the cell phones made me do it)
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
MarkJFine wrote:- select Dead concerts. Was always tempted but never got started, 'cause I'd never stop.
I got hooked. I started in the beginning, when Napster got busted, BearShare took hold.
My BroBill said it was awesome, but there was no Bluegrass. (notice I didnt say country)
OK I'll look , found and they got sutdown and moved all their files to
(the digital version of the original tape traders of Dead Concerts.)
I came to find out........ Token - Free (500MB) that Garcia played banjo in a Caliifornia band with the name of Old & In the Way.
Who Knew? Grateful Dead played Bluegrass?
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
kitnbob wrote:It's your duty. I heard That.
GabeU wrote:
maratsade wrote:GabeU, if you go over, you have GOT to take a pic of it. You're Mr SuperDataMiser, after all. You have a duty to document your downfall. ;)
Well, I made it through. Only 42 minutes to go. It's the closest I've ever come, though. It's also the most data, combined, that I've ever used.
Well. WHAT was so darn Important that you downloaded the most data EVER for? Token - Prepaid (500MB)
Lots and lots of speed testing, for the most part. I did a little bit of HBO Go streaming earlier in the month, too, which I normally don't do.
BTW, you have great taste in music. Though I'm not much on live tracks, save for the actual concerts, the late 60s through mid/late 70s is my favorite era for music.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Yep. I wrote something about one of my folks' dogs wanting to "consume me" everytime I go over there, but I used the word eat instead of consume, and the system bleeped it. It was absolutely hilarious.
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
GabeU wrote:
kitnbob wrote:It's your duty. I heard That.
Well. WHAT was so darn Important that you downloaded the most data EVER for? Token - Prepaid (500MB)
. I did a little bit of HBO Go streaming earlier in the month, too, which I normally don't do.
Before ATT aquired DirecTV, my television provider had a desktop app called Genie Go. (whole house DVR.type of thing)
was pretty buggy and ATT dropped it and removed all the help support.
The new mobile app for smart phones and tablets works good for playing the Recordings>Playlist from my DirecTV receiver
But my Desktop computer wont. Considering even the TV receiver is using the same wi-fi network as the smartphones and tabletson my HT2000w modem
My desktop is ethernet cable.
ATT&T says Desktop app For DirecTV-DVR is Coming Soon
I think I'll start a new thread and that will be the name of the Topic
- kitnbob8 years agoTutor
I would tell my friends my name has only one "o"
It's big Bob, not big **bleep**
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