My power went out around midnight when I woke up I discovered why.
whoops... There was something like that in DC yesterday, except the xformer went through a couple of people's cars.
A couple other poles snappped up the line so I'm afraid we're last on the list. Lucky I bought a inverter generator before winter. I'm thinking because of all the fires they're going to cut the power at the drop of a hat this summer, PG&E was warning us last year, but never actualy did.
That'll do it! 😞
Heavy snow like that can be a nightmare, that's for sure. Hopefully it won't take them too long to get you back up and running, but at least you have your generator. Good thinking with getting one.
I checked the PG&E website earlier it said estimated time is 11 pm tomorrow, We''ll see,we're supposed to get more heavy snow tonight.