Forum Discussion

NPSC's avatar
New Poster
5 years ago

Denied access to my Hughes Net Email Account

Multiple times in the last 6 months (and today), when trying to check my email account, the page will not come up and returns the the main page with a message "There may be a problem with your account. Contact Customer Care" which I always do, and they check my account (fine) and asked me to try different access routes (all show same message on the main page "there may be a problem with your account..."), re-starting computer, router, etc. and then pass me to someone else who immediately fixes it and I am good to go for another couple/3 weeks until it happen again.  Once I was told I am being blocked for 'spamming' but when I asked how to avoid this other than don't visit shady sites (I don't), they could not give me a good answer.  I don't want to change my email address or email/internet provider service (HughesNet) because it has worked fine for me since 2009. I have resorted to this community because no one at Hughes Net is able to tell me why this keeps happening (and I am waiting for them to fix it right now).  Oh and the 'live chat' allows me to type in my problem but when the agent comes on and starts asking questions, it won't allow me to type my answers!

  • Just a hunch, but you may want to disable any ad/script blocking in your browser when using the email or customer service pages.

  • Just a hunch, but you may want to disable any ad/script blocking in your browser when using the email or customer service pages.

    • NPSC's avatar
      New Poster
      Thanks for the hunch! Fingers crossed it was the problem (my ad blocker was on)
      • Seeker's avatar

        When you deal with most paid email service providers, they don't allow adware. That's why you buy their services unlike free email accounts.

        Hope the solution is permanent.

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    It's just a thought, but you may want to consider opening an email account, even just as a backup, with one of the more popular free providers, such as Google, Yahoo or Microsoft (  The reason I suggest this is that, though HughesNet's email will likely be around for a while, ISP provided email is progressively going by the wayside, and HughesNet may, at some point, close theirs down as well.  Additionally, you can't take your email with you if you end up leaving HughesNet. 


    Again, it's just a thought.