11.2 It appears the slow speed demon is back. From 3 hours ago to now testmytest speed was under 200 KPS.
Hope this is resolved. Thanks
11.3 4 Am speed 12 MPS (Hughes ) .7 Am Unable to get Hughes speed test-too slow.
Testmytest showed .02 MPS. Looks like no Youtube this Sunday 🙂
Hope the same fix that worked for a few weeks works again? Thanks
11.4 4:45 Am
As shows in the speed tests, the speed problem has returned.
After a good start for the day, speeds degraded to not be able to use Hughes test, tesymytest showed 2KPS. There was a short period about 2 Pm when the speed on Testmytest was 12 MPS , that was soon gone, and 2KPS returned for the rest of the day. Gone are the speeds (49MPS ) after the fix clearly something is amiss again. Hope it is resolved soon Thanks
11.4 12:00 Pm update, as yesterday, at noon speed was 10 MPS (Testmytest.
Yesterday that didn't last, hope it does. Thanks
11.4 Update 7 Pm