Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
8 years ago

New Glasswire (2.0)...Beware

It appears that Glasswire is now really trying to push the paid model, and if you upgrade to the new 2.0 version it becomes restricted after seven days if you decide not to actually buy it.  It seems that data monitoring will still be allowed, but from what I understand some things will change.  I guess I'll find out in seven days.  


I wouldn't have upgraded had I known that and I don't have a file of the older version.  GRRRRR.  



Edit:  Whew!  I was lucky enough to find the version from November (1.2.120), so if the current version is too restrictive after it reverts in seven days at least I am safe.  Actually, it already is somewhat more restrictive, as I can't choose any dates from December.  :( 

  • Hey Gabe,

    Did you end up sticking with 2.x or reverting to 1.2.x.  If you reinstalled 1.2.x do you have any recommendations to make the reinstall trouble-free?




    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV



      Well, I had found a reliable copy of the older version and installed it even before waiting the seven days for the new one to revert to the more restrictive, free version.  But, I then had a popup that came up at the beginning of February asking me to update the program, and forgetting about the fact that I had the older one on purpose I gave the update a go ahead.  Since the, I've been using the 2.x version (2.0.84, now), and to be honest, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.  It restricts the ability to look back as far as the older version, but other than that I've gotten used to it and it works well.  


      I had actually forgotten all about this thread.  Had I remembered I probably would have come back and updated it to reflect that my fears were, as it turns out, mostly unfounded.