Forum Discussion
Please explain who is powering this site.
- 9 years ago
There is a favicon image in the database files. Why when you favorite some sites you get a little icon but on others you don't. Guessing it just hasn't been purged and is carrying over.
This seems like a waste of time. GS will not let me post the correct screenshot showing thier logo.
Posting a pic can be a little tougher on this site.
Try the following:
Make sure the picture is fully uploaded before you click "done"
Then, before you post, click the HTML button.
If push comes to shove, send me the pic in a PM.
- Reggie9 years agoTeaching Assistant
- BirdDog9 years agoAssistant Professor
Ah, I do see the GS logo on my tab. I do believe that is just something they haven't corrected. They still have the old favicon in the system. Will be sure to bring it to their attention Monday.
- Reggie9 years agoTeaching Assistant
Thank You.
Now I know I'm not going crazy. Well maybe a little.
- Gwalk9009 years agoHonorary Alumnus
OK, I see it in your tab now ... interesting.
I'm wondering if some cached data isn't involved.
In my case I couldn't access the Community after the upgrade until I did a hard reset of my Modem.
Look at this screengrab from just a moment ago.
I have two tabs visible ... the one on the left is the GS powered Exede Community, the one on the right is this Lithium power Community site:
On the Exede tab you can clearly see the GS logo.
- BirdDog9 years agoAssistant Professor
There is a favicon image in the database files. Why when you favorite some sites you get a little icon but on others you don't. Guessing it just hasn't been purged and is carrying over.
- C0RR0SIVE9 years agoAssociate Professor
Lithium is running the site, the favicon may be cached somewhere, and I know some browsers don't like updating favicons what so ever. When I subscribe to an RSS feed for here, I get the Hughes logo.
As for images... Give it some time dude, or if you must, use Gyazo to easily screenshot and share links to pictures.
C0RR0SIVE - BirdDog9 years agoAssistant Professor
Liz or Amanda, wondering if you saw this since marked as solved and if on your list of things to fix? Thanks.
- Amanda9 years agoModerator
Hi there
I believe Liz had this same exact issue on Friday and fixed it by clearing her cache. I will ask her to post what happened, seems she meant to post when marking it solved.
- Amanda9 years agoModerator
Sorry, disregard. I was mistaking this with a different thing. While she sees the favicon and I do not, Liz still has this on a list of things to investigate. Thanks
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