Forum Discussion
Extremely unhappy!
Yeah they lied to me also. Took forever to be upgraded to gen 5 and was to get 50 instead of 20. Nope 20 was all I got. Always have no time on the clock. Never seems to catch up to have any time. I'm just waiting for my contract to end.
- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
JTwalker wrote:
Somehow our 10g plan lasted a whole 26 days the first month & only 3 days the second month. Yea! Go figure. I think it has to do with the HD, SD, 480, 780dpi, blah blah blah. So my solution is going to be unplug the router until we need to stream a movie & my son's daily tech time.During your first twenty days of service your data allotment is continually refilled. HughesNet does this as a courtesy, so that new customers, or those upgrading from legacy plans, can update/upgrade their devices to current without it affecting their normal monthly data allotment, as these activities can use a lot of data. After these first twenty days your data usage starts being deducted as it normally would.
So, in reality, your data lasted six days in your first month, and three in your second.
For some data saving tips, please see this thread.
- JTwalker7 years agoObserverWHAAA!!?!? WHY? I mean seriously. ..WHY? Why on eaerh would they did such a thing?! SERIOUSLY?! You are effing kidding! Did they tell me this? Was I warned of this in some undertone voice I was unaware of in my discussion with the sales guy on the phone? I do not recall being told any such nonsense bologna malarkey! Why would they just give you unlimited your first month other than to make you think all is hunky dory in Wonderland?
have I been had?
am I going to have to get.
mad?- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
First and foremost, please watch your language. This is a support community that can be viewed by the public, and there are Community Guidelines and Terms of Service that need to be followed, which you can view in the "About the Community" section. So, again, please watch the language.
The data resets...
First, it's not for the first month, but for the first twenty days. Secondly, it's not done "to make you think it's all hunky dory in Wonderland", as what would be the point? There is no 30 day trial or 30 day free cancellation period, so there would be no advantage for them in doing so. The advantage is to YOU, and again, it's done as a courtesy for the reasons stated.
As well, the twenty days of data resets are explained in the Welcome email sent by HughesNet.
- JTwalker7 years agoObserverThis is not good news.
Not good news
AT ALL! - Trapped6 years agoNew Poster
Hello all, this is my first message. I recently had to move outside of town because the place I was living in was not safe. I was a very happy Spectrum customer for years. I miss them a great deal. Service was flawless in every way. They are the complete opposite of Hughes. I never ever had a problem. If you can get service with them, do it. You won't be sorry.
Now I live in an RV park in a small travel trailer. I am a disabled senior citizen and Social Security is my only income. Many internet providers avoid customers who live in trailers, they want to service stick built homes only. Hughes was my only option. I have been lied to and hung up on more than once. Now I realize I am truly trapped.
Three days ago I paid my $74.15 and already the chart says I have used 67% of my data. I wanted to be able to do my family tree, check emails, do some shopping, listen to the radio online and read the news as I don't have a television. I also don't have a car, so I connect with the outside world via the internet. By reading this thread I've learned that last month's data was constantly being refilled. Who knew? And here I thought it was because I was being careful. When I signed up I was told that the plan I was considering would easily handle what I wanted to do because data would be compressed. Really? No.
This company is corrupt. I can't even file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, access has been blocked. It's interesting that when I called to get the corporate address to file the complaint, the Hughes rep wouldn't give it to me. I found it anyway, but it does no good.
To take advantage of people like this is wrong.
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. We can look forward to that. It will be spectacular.
- GabeU6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
The initial twenty days of data resets is explained in the Welcome email sent by HughesNet.
If your data reset three days ago and you've already used 67%, something is using a lot of data, and unless you get that under control it may continue to happen. This is satellite internet with a soft data cap, not cable internet with no data cap. If adjustments aren't made to use the service within its means you will continually have data exhaustion issues.
The following two threads may help you...
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