Forum Discussion
Information compromised
I've no doubt that HughesNet will do what they can to look into this for you. HughesNet only has a few extra things they offer with their service, and the company/charge you're seeing is not one of them, or at least not that I've ever seen.
The closest extra they offer is "Home Tech Support", which is by a 3rd party company (Sutherland).
- MarkJFine6 years agoProfessor
If they can't pull up your call, it was definitely a reseller. HN holds the calls for good six months or so.
- maratsade6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
In the past, they've said 3 or so months.
- morrisondynasty6 years agoFreshmanNo it’s not that they can’t it’s just that they’re not allowed. At least that’s what HN corporate told me
- maratsade6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
I may be wrong, but I think what they meant was that they (the first tier phone agents) don't have the authority to pull the calls. The people on this site are higher up in the hierarchy, and have the authority to pull those calls. But like Mark said, the call may not be a HughesNet one, in which case they would not be able to obtain it.
Reading the information on your first post here, I don't think HN can really do anything much, which may be why the mods have not responded to your post. It seems clear you got your HN account via a reseller, and they, not HN, may have sold your data to someone else, and they, not HN, subscribed you to IT Please. HN does not offer IT Please, and does not offer bundling. They are a separate company from the reseller.
It seems that your best bet is to pursue this issue with the reseller, not with HN, though I continue to hope you will hear something from the mods, even if it is "yeah, we can do nothing about this because you went through a reseller." At least you'd know....
- Damian6 years agoModerator
Thank you for posting and welcome to the community. I apologize for the delay in response. At this time the best I can do is search for your sales call to use as proof. This may or may not be available due to the fact that you were signed up by a reseller. The reseller company is automatically recorded on your account so we may be able to reach out to them if we do not have immediate access on our own. Please allow a few business days for this to be completed. I will post here again as soon as I have information or an update.
- GabeU6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
If it's ultimately determined that the sales call from the HughesNet reseller is not available, or if it is and it doesn't show anything regarding "IT Please", I would, just as a precaution, call your financial institution and have a new card issued, if you haven't already done so. Or, you could even do so regardless of what's found.
The way I would do it is to call and have it replaced after I made my new payment and the payment was completed, the latter of which usually happens at least a few days after the payment is initially made. This way you've got time for the new card to come in before the next month's payment is due, as cards can take a few weeks to arrive, though how long really depends on the financial institution issuing the card. And this would also avoid having to use a card, even temporarily, that you don't want to have to use for a HughesNet payment.
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