Not happy
1 TopicCanceled service due to RE: Buffering Slow Internet and E-mail times out
Called today to cancelmy service, had to go through a bunch of tests again and after 2 hours figured out it is a latency problem but there is nothing that can be done about it. HughesNet said my latency was 500ms but when I checked my latencyto North Platte, NE and back it averaged around1686mssince December andit takes between 30 and 60 seconds to load a websitebut I still had to pay the termination fee which I don'tthink I should of had to pay since this has been an on going problem from the first month it was installedand HughesNet can't fix it. I guess I'll just have to go into town and download my e-mail on my way to and from work if I can't get my DSL back. This has been a very bad and expensive learningexperience with HughesNet. I even went out and bought a new desktop and Cat 7 Ethernetcable because Tech supporttold me my computer was slow because it was old and I still have the same problem I had with the old computer and I still don't have working Internet.Solved1.8KViews0likes1Comment