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Hop 1: - 1 | 465 | 463 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | Hop 2: - 0 | 472 | 472 | 554 | 609 | *679* | 617 | Hop 3: - *1* | 469 | 468 | 537 | 617 | *686* | 658 | The first column to the right of the IP / Host is the percentage of packets (or data) lost when being routed through that specific "hop". In this test we are seeing 1% data loss paired with latency spikes up to 686ms over the course of the first three hops. This can be summarized as general connection instability, and this is almost certain to be what is causing the problems in-game as any packet loss will cause fluctuating latency as well as periodic disconnects from the game or application that you are connecting to. With that in mind, this would be an issue to bring up to your ISP as they may need to troubleshoot that second "hop" and/or reroute your connection so that it avoids this problematic hop. Keep in mind that you can request to speak with a "level 2 or level 3 technician" when contacting the ISP, as the front-line representatives typically only have access to basic diagnostics and troubleshooting tools. In addition, I encourage forwarding the WinMTR data to whomever you speak with when contacting the ISP, because if they're able to interpret the data, this may enable them to diagnose and resolve the issue more quickly.Solved9.4KViews0likes14Comments