ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionscancellation for misrepentation and being a prisoner Hi, I want to know the the best way to cancel my service ASAP. We have had this service since the first of October and have been overwhelmed with problems. First of all not one time did I sign a contract; Second of all i have contacted tech representives multiple times to solve our problems. PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR REFERENCE NUMBER because as soon as the chat became to complicated the tech would stop responding and end the chat; I spent well over 3 hours one evening with tech support. Finally one said turn off video settings, That seemed to "fix" the problem. I kept a check on the usuage i was very viligent in monitoring it. UNBEKNOWN to me the first month was "free" because the second month (NOVEMBER) we ran out with 2 weeks left of the month. I then upgraded to the highest amount of data you provide. I have keep everything that sucks up data OFF. We have become PRISONERS of HUGHESNET because no longer do we listen to our music, watch tv, Have the top of the line securtity system; the use of google lights... NO we have lowered our security settings to the lowest possibe settings, we no longer stream music No computer use; no ipad useand i bought an antenna to watch tv with, EVEN THOUGH we are subscribed to several different streaming channels. IT is beyond mindboggling!!!! While this service was being put in I talked to the representive about our security system; streaming channels, streaming music, etc. and was reassured it wouldn't be a problem. SURE IT IS NOT A PROBLEM if you don't USE ANY OF THE ABOVE. I will have our solider home for christmas from deployment, he will want to finally use the internet, finally play his video games, howeverHUGHESNET is going to make one of our military personnel MISS OUT on the opportunity of this enjoyment because with all the cut backs i have made already I am currently at less than 13gb of data left for the MONTH of December and it is currently the 11th of December that is 20days left to SQUEEZE out 13GB. WE WANT OUT OF THE CONTRACT ASAP. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR EQUPIMENT. I DON'T EXPECT A ETF IS REQUIRED DUE TO THE MISREPRESENTATION THAT interenet would be provided. also after reading that there isn't a REAL reason for data caps it is the SATELLITE companies have been pushed by others to stop capping out data. I would like a response on how to get out of this contract ASAP!!!