Your experiences with AOL tell the story. It's a crappy "sevice". When I lived on a remote cattle ranch and only had dial-up, I wanted something faster, but I refused to even deal with an entity that felt the need to filll up my mailbox on a weekly basis with their silly CD....I did find a use for practice. Yes, Hughesnet serves my current needs very well, and I do get testy when things don't go the way they should, but the alternatives are not even worth considering. I have no choice where I am....dial-up or satellite, and since I purchased the equipment in 2007 I could choose to dump them, but I don't feel like going through the hassles of trying out a new provider only to find they, too, have problems. The best I can do is come here and try to make others aware of my own issues with Hughesnet and how I was able/not able to resolve them. It usually works out. In this present issue wiith AOL and our emails....I really believe the issue is with AOL and they need to fix it....even if Hughesnet has to be the one to step in and alert them that they are being stupid.
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