ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Where do my mb go? I did mean gb..they did the same thing last month and it even came out on last months bill as 5 gb. It was a pain to call them because they gave me 3 months of 30 gb for same price as 15 gb ,plus I have the $30 discount..they fixed it though cause this month I started out with 30 gb plan then I don't know why or when it changed. They tried to tell me last month that it doesn't automatically change plans that someone had to have called, but like u said they don't even have a 5 gb plan , so what the heck Re: Where do my mb go? Where do my mb go? I believe it was in December or January I called about getting more bytes. I was told I could get 30 instead of my 15 for the same I was getting the $30 govt discount and I also discontinued my phone service with them. Well I noticed in January that my bytes went away rather quickly and when I looked online my plan had gone from 30 MB to 5 mb? I called and got all that straightened out and back to my 30. My bill is due on Feb 20 th, so I went online and dang if my service plan doesn't say 5 mb..what the heck is going on