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Re: "This page can't be displayed" Joined HughesNet 9 days ago & on phone w/cust. svc. over 10 hrs
As of this minute, everything is working ok but I have had to unplug the modem 30 minutes and then plug back in. Everything worked fine from about 530 Friday afternoon until about 10am Saturday morning. The Google not loading search pages is not a cache issue. I clear out the cache every time I close IE. Regarding 1 & 1a, when I can't get to load I can't get systemcontrolcenter.Com to load either. When I can't get that to load I can't ping other websites either. I will update you as to when Internet access goes down again. I have had access on 3 separate occasions for more than an hour with a total of 20 hours of access over 19 days.4.7KViews0likes2CommentsRe: "This page can't be displayed" Joined HughesNet 9 days ago & on phone w/cust. svc. over 10 hrs
I know I should be able to get to when I'm connected directly and not on any wifi networks but the fact remains that I cannot. That's why this is so frustrating. I know what it should be doing, I'm reporting what is actually happening and no one believes it.4.7KViews0likes7CommentsRe: "This page can't be displayed" Joined HughesNet 9 days ago & on phone w/cust. svc. over 10 hrs
None of my devices recognize the IP address but all devices can load google, yahoo, Facebook websites. When I use search engine for Google I can't click on any other links of websites I want to visit.7.2KViews0likes11CommentsRe: "This page can't be displayed" Joined HughesNet 9 days ago & on phone w/cust. svc. over 10 hrs
With laptop device, have been using IE and have connected with ethernet cable that is known to work. Network adapter is set to automatic. Couldn't connect to so unplugged modem, turned off laptop, waited five minutes to plug in modem, plugged in modem, waited 5 minutes before turning on laptop. Then turned laptop back on, opened up IE, typed in It states This page can't be displayed. Make sure Web address is correct. Look for the page in your search engine. Refresh the page in a few minutes.7.2KViews0likes12CommentsRe: "This page can't be displayed" Joined HughesNet 9 days ago & on phone w/cust. svc. over 10 hrs
Anybody else have any possible solutions? If not I'm cancelling this week. I can't take another customer service call where they say "everything appears to be fine on our end" then ask me "what's the weather there", "how close are you to the modem", "what de ices are connected", "can you connect directly to modem on ethe net cable", "can you run speed test", etc., etc., etc., and I can't get them to read the previous notes and let them know I am having the same issue as all my other service calls and to skip ahead to another possible solution than the 20 things I tried before I called them each time. Just beyond puzzling why it worked perfectly the first half day then first day I got second modem working and the rest of the time ...nothing.7.2KViews0likes15Comments