ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Any Band 55 Updates??? South nevada county 55 sucks here Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) It is apparent that Hughesnet has no idea how to fix this problem. They are still advertising in the area for 25 mbps which they know is not possible. . Just wonder how many other people are out there that don't use these forums? That are calling Hughesnet and getting the run around like I was, promises of return calls never made, hang ups, put on hold for ever. I bet a bunch Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) Cause I am from northern California? Ok off your thread Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) Lets look at the reviews for hughes net Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) 10/23/2017 05:50 PM,"9168","448" 10/21/2017 11:48 AM,"904","2214" 10/21/2017 11:25 AM,"882","2655" 10/21/2017 11:22 AM,"949","1183" 10/21/2017 01:50 AM,"44162","2470" 10/20/2017 09:25 PM,"3223","14" 10/20/2017 09:41 AM,"27746","2765" 10/20/2017 09:40 AM,"1702","1078" 10/19/2017 08:19 AM,"18562","2259" 10/17/2017 11:50 PM,"28846","746" 10/17/2017 09:56 PM,"2123","1096" 10/17/2017 02:29 PM,"4824","2685" 10/17/2017 12:46 PM,"26804","2861" 10/17/2017 12:39 PM,"42219","2299" 10/16/2017 03:58 PM,"4627","2362" 10/16/2017 02:08 PM,"3594","2910" 10/16/2017 08:51 AM,"2339","1378" 10/15/2017 06:28 PM,"4722","15" 10/15/2017 05:30 PM,"1184","15" 10/15/2017 03:32 PM,"1728","431" 10/15/2017 03:20 PM,"1483","442" 10/15/2017 03:12 PM,"2383","33" 10/15/2017 02:54 PM,"857","284" 10/15/2017 02:51 PM,"1024","344" 10/15/2017 02:47 PM,"5440","777" 10/15/2017 02:44 PM,"2161","598" 10/15/2017 02:32 PM,"376","1490" 10/15/2017 02:29 PM,"695","1361" 10/15/2017 02:25 PM,"754","1431" 10/15/2017 02:18 PM,"468","1190" 10/15/2017 02:17 PM,"499","562" 10/15/2017 02:15 PM,"659","659" 10/15/2017 02:13 PM,"482","747" 10/14/2017 09:19 AM,"236","881" 10/13/2017 02:13 PM,"1397","2615" 10/13/2017 02:11 PM,"1683","1649" 10/13/2017 01:40 PM,"1933","1225" 10/12/2017 08:27 PM,"108","12" 10/12/2017 04:18 PM,"236","715" 10/12/2017 10:05 AM,"380","710" 10/12/2017 09:38 AM,"1185","2937" 10/11/2017 12:45 PM,"614","2565" 10/11/2017 12:44 PM,"401","2503" 10/11/2017 12:41 PM,"573","1519" 10/11/2017 09:25 AM,"1332","2036" 10/11/2017 01:49 AM,"5264","2087" 10/10/2017 10:07 PM,"78","15" 10/10/2017 04:29 PM,"243","1167" 10/10/2017 04:22 PM,"221","1627" 10/10/2017 10:12 AM,"1733","2919" 10/10/2017 10:11 AM,"2486","2421" 10/10/2017 10:10 AM,"1409","2379" 10/10/2017 10:09 AM,"15215","2714" 10/10/2017 10:07 AM,"10648","646" 10/09/2017 10:49 AM,"4370","3159" 10/09/2017 10:48 AM,"3691","773" 10/09/2017 10:47 AM,"3413","2962" 10/09/2017 10:45 AM,"15153","2670" 10/09/2017 10:44 AM,"22375","2568" 10/09/2017 10:35 AM,"5242","961" 10/07/2017 01:07 AM,"16909","2466" 10/07/2017 01:05 AM,"1290","1257" 10/07/2017 01:04 AM,"8805","1564" 10/07/2017 01:03 AM,"15583","620" 10/06/2017 02:24 PM,"421","476" 10/05/2017 09:42 AM,"533","677" 10/05/2017 09:41 AM,"814","2719" 10/05/2017 09:07 AM,"2611","2561" 10/05/2017 09:04 AM,"858","2621" 10/05/2017 08:58 AM,"2195","2510" 10/05/2017 08:58 AM,"6477","2315" 10/04/2017 06:53 PM,"289","2734" 10/04/2017 06:24 PM,"555","2828" 10/04/2017 06:23 PM,"506","637" 10/04/2017 06:06 PM,"904","2177" 10/04/2017 06:04 PM,"599","2194" 09/25/2017 08:51 PM,"147","1094" 09/25/2017 08:30 PM,"187","602" 03/07/2017 09:48 PM,"19416","460" 01/12/2017 08:26 PM,"25653","296" 01/12/2017 07:55 PM,"24747","210" 01/12/2017 07:33 PM,"28839","150" 12/06/2016 11:18 AM,"934","539" Here are all my speeds from your speed tester Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) Hey Gabe as of microsoft 10 you need the internet to get the to the microsoft solitaire collection and because I signed up for gen 5 which is a piece of crap I am stuck with a 2 year contract **bleep** Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) I CONSIDER ALL OF HUGHES NET TO BE A JOKE THE CALL BACKS THEY PROMISED 6 TIMES NOW, NEVER GOTTEN, HANGING UP ON YOU, NOT GIVING ANY HELP UNLESS YOU GO TO SOME OTHER GUY YOU DON'T KNOW OR TRUST TO GET YOUR SPEEDS I GAVE YOU MY SPEEDS THAT "YOUR" SPEED TEST GAVE ME SAYING YOU WILL CALL ME IN A WEEK A, **bleep** WEEK, THEN NOT GETTING A CALL TROM YOUR "ADVANCED TECH TEAM" THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR OVER A MONTH I CA'NT EVEN PLAY MICROSOFT SOLITAIRE CAUSE YOUR CONNECTION IS TO SLOW Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) Thought you had this fixed unplayable last night unplayable this morning Goed why do I have to pay for this crap Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) oh well .38 knew it was to good to last Re: New Gen 5 owner in Northern California (slow as molasses) wooah 41 at noon yesterday 29 at same time but it went down hill